Republic Day: Comandini celebrates in Cagliari

«We must work together to remove economic, political and social obstacles, to promote the full development of the person and the effective participation of citizens in institutional life»

CAGLIARI – Republic Day must represent the desire for a new peace and the renewal of the spirit of brotherhood between peoples. The President of the Regional Council Piero Comandini said this this morning in Cagliari, bringing the greetings of the Assembly during the ceremony organized by the Prefecture on the occasion of 2 June. This year the celebration – said the President – takes on a particular value. The international scenarios are worrying but I am convinced that thanks to dialogue and unity we will be able to overcome this moment too. «We must work together to remove economic, political and social obstacles, to promote the full development of the person and the effective participation of citizens in institutional life».

Peace, unity and cohesion between peoples are the foundations for our future and that of younger generations. For the President of the Regional Council, the conflicts of recent months confirm the sad awareness of the fragility of the world system whose balances can be destroyed and changed in a single moment. Never let your guard down – he added – democracy must be continuously preserved. The civilization of a people can also be seen from the possibility of expressing dissent, of being able to affirm one’s opinions, of being able to discuss different opinions. This is freedom, this is democracy. We must never forget this.

For the President of the Assembly, June 2nd is also the day of exaltation of democracy. 78 years have passed since the Italians chose, with the institutional referendum, the Republic over the Monarchy. 2 and 3 June 1946 marked a true democratic moment because all Italians were called to the polls to decide what form of state to give to the country.
It was a historic date because it was the first universal suffrage vote where women also voted for the first time. We are on the eve of important electoral consultations. I appeal to all citizens and, above all, to the young generations: go and vote. Don’t give up on expressing your vote, whatever it may be. Voting is the highest expression of democracy.

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