Sports Day was celebrated in Cosenza with the delivery of the Wellness Park

COSENZA Mayor Franz Caruso and Francesca Stancati Coni Point delegate for the province of Cosenza opened the event this morning which celebrates the national sports day at the Wellness Park, delivered at the same time in a symbolic way to the people of Cosenza for full usability. The area dedicated to sport and well-being was, in fact, removed by mayor Franz Caruso from a fate that meant it would be an endless construction site as it was for about 5 years, causing serious inconvenience to residents and motorists.
«Coni thanks mayor Franz Caruso and the entire municipal administration for this celebratory day dedicated to sport». This is what Francesca Stancati said before starting the sporting activities, also bringing the greetings of the president of Coni Calabria, Maurizio Condipodero and also applauding “all the sports associations, the federations, the promotional bodies, the deserving associations, the ADS to be present en masse and create a morning full of meaning.”

«We wanted to make the symbolic delivery of the Wellness Park coincide with this national day of celebration sport and with this Coni event, which I thank” said Franz Caruso who continued: “Today we complete a particularly intense period for city sport. For two weeks we have been dedicating specific initiatives to the enhancement and promotion of sport. We started with the Davis Cup, continuing with the delivery of the city seal to Tutino, sponsoring and organizing the amarcord of the glories of Cosenza football. Furthermore, yesterday we kicked off the historical re-enactment of the Sila Cup one hundred years after its institution and today we are here to complete this sporting journey with the delivery of the Wellness Park to the city. A work blocked for many years which had transformed this central and fundamental area of ​​Cosenza into a construction site, which remained so for many years, which I carried out precisely to maintain the commitment made with my fellow citizens to dismantle it. Of course, if I had had the choice, I would have preferred to build it in another part of the city, keeping Viale Parco unchanged and completing the project with the light rail. to offer a road network worthy of the name for Cosenza residents and visitors. Therefore, out of a sense of responsibility and in the application of the values ​​and principles of good administrative practice, I unblocked the work and brought it to completion and today I happily hand it over to the city. Then I would also like to deliver an alternative road artery to Viale Parco to guarantee normal, ordinary traffic in Cosenza and my maximum and constant commitment is aimed in this direction». Franz Caruso therefore made a heartfelt appeal to ensure that the infrastructure is respected and no longer becomes the object of vandalism.

«We are handing over this structure today only formally – said Franz Caruso – but the people of Cosenza have already enjoyed it for some time. Several times, however, we encountered acts of vandalism and the company carrying out the work had to intervene to restore it the places and repair the damage done by barbarians, allow me to call them as they deserve because they are only barbarians I may have outraged and destroyed the park’s facilities and furnishings as it was done. Now the work has been entirely restored in all its spaces, making it even more beautiful than it was before. So my invitation is to respect it and enjoy it with civility, as must be done for all places and public structures. If you don’t respect public affairs you don’t respect yourself. It is necessary that this principle is affirmed above all in the consciences of young people.”
«Public affairs are nobody’s business – concluded Mayor Franz Caruso – but they belong to everyone and we must respect them as we do with our homes. If we don’t understand this, we will never have a beautiful, orderly and supportive city like Cosenza deserves to be.”

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