Rome, clashes at the march “against the government and pro-Palestine”. Police-university tension, throwing of paper bombs

Moments of voltagewith launch of tear gas And paper bombsto the procession against the government and against the war organized a Rome today, Saturday 1 June. Protagonists of the scuffles around 200 demonstrators started from Wisdom who initially tried to join the marching group and were instead rejected by the demonstrators. At that point, near Castro Pretorio (via Vicenza), behind the shields of plexiglass lined with pro-Palestine flags the university students attempted to break through The cord of the police forces. And they were born clashes.

The beginning of the event

«You will pay dearly you will pay everything.” It is the slogan with which the event organized by opened Power to the People in which i also participate social centers, student collectivesmovements pro Palestinebasic trade unions but also groups of unemployed people from all over Italy, particularly from the South.

About 5 thousand people they arranged to meet in Piazza Vittorio to take part in the procession that winds through the streets ofEsquilineof the Tiburtino and of Saint Lawrence and then get to Porta Piaright opposite the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport and next to the British Embassy.

The parade

All the areas touched by the route are manned by the police who lock down the affected neighborhoods with agents on access roads. The whole area was reclaimed already since Friday evening. Checks also at motorway toll booths for the arrival of numerous buses from other regions full of demonstrators.

At the head of the procession is a blue stage truck from which rap music is blaring. There’s a lot Attention especially due to the concomitance with the conclusion of the election campaign Of Brothers of Italy in Piazza del Popolo with the participation of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.

The protest of students and workers

About a thousand young students belonging to the movements take part in the procession Change course And Dare, but other sectors of the demonstration include foreign workers under the banners of the Basic Trade Union. Also present were workers fromIlva of Taranto, demonstrators of the Carc and the PCI. «Italy out of NATONATO out of Italy”, is another of the slogans launched from megaphones during the demonstration interspersed with three vans used as mobile stages.

Pro-Palestine students at Sapienza

In front ofuniversity Wisdom in Piazzale Aldo Moro another large group of around 300-400 pro-Palestine youth awaits the arrival of the main procession to join the demonstration and reach Porta Pia. The wholearea in front of the isolated university e cordoned off, all vehicles removed. Police armored vehicles surround the area to prevent the march’s route from being diverted towards sensitive targets. A helicopter flies over the area.

Tension with the cameramen

A few moments of voltage with i photographers hey cameramen invited to move away while the part of pro-Palestine students who joined the procession passed by the walls of the Air Ministry. Before them someone has burnt in airplane Of cardboard which had already been shown during the protest initiative. A police helicopter continued to fly over the entire Sapienza and Castro Pretorio area.

Paint against the ministry

Along the way, some protesters threw balloons full of red paint against the Air Ministry, hitting the surrounding wall. While among the students there are also around fifty who joined the protest at Sapienza hooded clothes of black.

Scuffles and throwing of tear gas

At a certain point, around 5pm, part of the procession that started from Sapienza and was linked to university tent cities continued on an unauthorized route, in via Vicenza, near Castro Pretorio. They were born of it scufflesbetween university students and police, with the launch of paper bombs And tear gas. The agents they were clear minoritya few dozen to face approximately 300 demonstrators.

Chants against the police: “Shame”

There voltage it also continued in the subsequent phases of the process. While the demonstration against the government arrived as expected in Porta Piathe students of collectives they took theirs back actions Of I disturb stopping in front of the nearby headquarters of state Railways. Previously, the police had faced the demonstrators with shields to prevent them from changing the planned route. «Shameshame, shame”, they intone the demonstrators of the collectives – who started the counter-procession in front of the Railways headquarters – against the police, in riot gear, deployed at this moment to protect the structure.

«We are all anti-Zionists»

«We are everyone anti-Zionistswe are all anti-Zionists”: with these chants the counter-procession of the collectives set off from Piazza della Croce Rossa, in front of the Ferrovie dello Stato headquarters, to return to La Sapienza University.

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