Cremona Sera – Urban greenery, from decay to beauty. Portesani: “We will invest to enhance the artistic, cultural and environmental heritage to return it to the people of Cremona”

Cremona Sera – Urban greenery, from decay to beauty. Portesani: “We will invest to enhance the artistic, cultural and environmental heritage to return it to the people of Cremona”
Cremona Sera – Urban greenery, from decay to beauty. Portesani: “We will invest to enhance the artistic, cultural and environmental heritage to return it to the people of Cremona”

The meeting promoted by Forza Italia was held on Saturday afternoon on the theme “Green: from degradation to the recovery of the places of and historical memory of Cremona”.

He introduced the works Federico Fasani, municipal councilor of Forza Italia. “Cremona is a city that certainly does not have the problem of a lack of greenery, both urban and extra-urban. In recent years, however, the approach to greenery has been dictated according to quantitative logic, while it is clear that the only correct interpretation is that of qualitative valorisation on an environmental, landscape and social level”.

Davide Sacchetti And Renato Guizzardiboth candidates on the Forza Italia list and for years engaged as voluntary ecological guards in the PLIS of the Po and Morbasco, presented some images of areas of the city, highlighting their limits and critical issues: “it is a lack of vision and a lack of skills regarding the design, planning and maintenance of urban greenery”. In particular:


Two examples among all:

  • Viale Po today does not have the authority that it should have and that the entrance avenue to the city had in the past; there is evident confusion in the functional layout of the avenue, with particular reference to the areas dedicated to pedestrians, cycles and parking, the latter often created in residual spaces. Furthermore, there are many dead plants, pollarded and not replaced, as is the evident neglect of the hedges and clearings.

  • Piazza Roma and the Montagnole area: the entire area has been cordoned off and abandoned for 5 years. An unacceptable condition for a city that aspires to develop its tourist vocation.


    Another matrix that determines the current state of neglect of urban greenery is represented by the absence of effective and timely planning of maintenance and replanting interventions, supported by a coherent economic plan. There are hundreds of trees pollarded (cut) at a height of approximately 1.5 metres, and never replaced, despite having been in the same condition for some time. This negligence not only generates environmental damage (one less plant), but has negative repercussions on the urban landscape, on the decoration and on the use of the city’s spaces. The indecorous images of Via Antica Dogana where abandoned remains of severed trees stand surrounded by dented metal structures, as well as those of Via Genala, Piazza Castello and many other city streets, demonstrate the inability to intervene in a coordinated way.


Maintenance cannot be conceived as simple mowing of grass and pruning of trees, but must include frequent and structured interventions, in order to maintain full safe usability of the places. Conditions that cannot be seen, for example, in the cycle path that leads to the Ex Parmigiano Forest, where the fence protecting from the watercourse is disconnected and sometimes missing.

Even more serious is the state of abandonment of the Morbasco Sud park, in the accesses of Via Primo Maggio, where in addition to the fallen and never removed trees, there are large quantities of waste abandoned for a long time.

Federico Fasani he then highlighted the new methodological approach, proposed by Forza Italia and accepted by the coalition, with respect to the planning and programming of greenery and urban quality, according to three fundamental guidelines:

  1. The care and integration of the existing green heritage;

  2. The theming of places, which are given specific functions (e.g. Parco dei

    children; grandparents park; music park; vegetable garden park; …);

  3. The naming of spaces after illustrious Cremonese personalities, enhancing their traits

    characteristics and therefore historical memory.

These three trajectories concern the landscape/environmental, social and historical/cultural fields respectively.

Alessandro Rossicandidate on the Forza Italia list, illustrated a concrete commitment that the Forza Italia list undertakes to carry out in the next Administration for the valorization of the memory of a famous illustrator of children’s books from Cremona: Tony Wolfpseudonym of Antonio Lupatelli. “We would like his creations – Pingu, Dragetto, Draguzzo and Pandi among the most famous, would enhance a prestigious green area within urban redevelopment projects. We are particularly proud that the family members of this illustrious fellow citizen have welcomed our proposal with favor and enthusiasm, which we would like to be implemented in a reasonably short time by the future Administration”.

He concluded the event Alessandro Portesani: “we want to invest for better usability and liveability of urban green spaces. This can happen through an integrated valorization of the entire artistic, cultural and environmental heritage of the city of Cremona. The feasibility of these proposals will pass through the identification of an implementing entity with skills and financial capacity such as Aem SpA. For us, the preferred instrument will be that of the competition of ideas open to technicians, artists and designers, according to a transparent collaboration between public and private”.

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