Four years of Atm SpA: the revolution of local public transport

Four years of Atm SpA: the revolution of local public transport
Four years of Atm SpA: the revolution of local public transport

Atm SpA celebrates four years of activity today. It was June 1st 2020 when the Transport Company of Messina, born from the ashes of the old special company, began to provide the transport service local public in the city. To celebrate the fourth anniversary of Atm SpA, a meeting was held today, Saturday 1 June 2024 press conference in the presence of the mayor Federico Basile, the deputy mayor Salvatore Model, the general director of the Municipality of Messina Salvo Puccio, of the president of Atm Spa Giuseppe Campagna together with the board of directors Carla Grillo and Salvatore Ingegneri, the general director of the Transport Company Claudio Iozzi from Messina.

“Today – began Mayor Basile – is a special day, because Atm SpA represents a model virtuoso of efficiency and innovation. Although I had another role in 2020, I remember it perfectly skepticism that hovered around the establishment of the Joint Stock Company that would take the place of the old special company, but the results confirm that the path taken by the previous one administration, led by former mayor Cateno De Luca, was and is the right one. Anyone with a minimum of intellectual honesty cannot fail to recognize and appreciate the extraordinary results achieved over a period of time such a short time. Public transport today is a certainty for citizens, who finally have the possibility of choosing between a private car and public transport, whereas before they had no alternative. A a modern European city cannot do without an efficient collective mobility system. Even in next years, the Municipality and Atm SpA will continue to work in synergy and promote policies aimed at encourage the use of public transport, inserting it into the broader context of a mobility system sustainable”.

“It has been four years of hard and constant reorganisation, to give the city back a solid company, restored, competitive and ambitious, always aiming for the best”, continued deputy mayor Mondello, who he added: “I am very satisfied with the work that Atm Spa has carried out, through almost a comparison daily with the Administration. I thank President Campagna for his decisive commitment and the Company in all its components. Local public transport plays a strategic role in the city ​​mobility and the Transport Company has managed in a short time to offer the city a widespread service and efficient, obtaining the approval of citizens, who are increasingly choosing to use the means of transport public and leave your car at home or in the numerous interchange car parks located throughout the area municipal territory”.

“In 2020 – stated President Campagna – we chose as our slogan ‘Let’s lead the change’, and that desired change has actually been achieved, probably in a shorter time than expected could initially predict. Atm Spa is a solid company from a financial point of view, with high organizational and cutting-edge standards in Italy in terms of environmental sustainability and innovation technological. In these four years we have achieved excellent results, as demonstrated by thenumbers: in 2019 only 50 buses were in circulation, today we have 158 buses in operation; the number of kilometers routes went from 4 million three hundred thousand in 2019 to 6 million five hundred thousand in 2023. Currently the number of subscribers is close to 39 thousand, of which 28 thousand with MoveMe. We have created projects on infomobility; we have adopted automation systems in the “Villa Dante”, “Cavallotti” and “La Flour”; we have introduced the system for purchasing tickets with a credit card directly on the bus and tram and created the company app “Atm MovUp; we have made Atm SpA a cardioprotected company, providing defibrillators for buses, trams, parking structures, smart shelters; and at the same time foreseen the training of company staff to ensure assistance in case of need. I’m very proud of what has been achieved from 2020 to today and I want to thank all the employees of Atm SpA because it is thanks to the commitment of each of them that today we can offer the city of Messina a service of local public transport worthy of the name and associated highly innovative services”.

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