The Molfetta Women’s team does not renew with Ion and Oselame. Accusations from some former players to the sender –

Gabriella Oselame and Roxy Ion will not be on the Molfetta Women’s roster in the next Serie A: the club, in fact, has not renewed the contract with the two players, who arrived a few seasons ago from Bisceglie.
Laconic messages, those of the goalkeeper and the other player who greeted the square and who are preparing to live a summer on the transfer market.
In fact, with these two farewells, added to the others announced so far, the red and white squad and the basic quintet will be revolutionized.

However, it is not only the transfer market that interests the club which has had to defend itself from accusations, so far unsubstantiated and unproven, coming from former soccer players through the Carioca press.

“La Femminile Molfetta – we read in the note from the red and white club – learns that some “professional” Brazilian footballers have issued tough harmful statements to one of their local journalists (Riccardo Silva), violating the FIGC regulations. The company strongly contests these absolutely baseless, false and/or dreamlike statements, formally distancing itself from them.
Female footballers are warned against continuing any harmful behavior and/or action and/or statement (in violation of federal and sporting regulations), inviting journalists to adequately check their sources first, guaranteeing the right of reply, in order to avoid writing posts or merely biased and imaginative articles.
In order to protect the company, the coach, all the staff and the athletes who this season have professionally believed in their red and white shirt without any “energy saving” – continues the note – the president has already instructed the company lawyers to take every appropriate measure and referral against the athletes, as well as to carry out adequate checks and possible legal actions also against the alleged Brazilian journalist who is biased without verified sources”.

Saturday 1 June 2024


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