Ogiva’s film with a view of Ancona

After last year’s ‘premiere’ at the Teatro Sperimentale in front of almost four hundred people, the opportunity to see the film by the Marche director Gabriele Ogiva “Goodbye in February – Return to Ancona” is renewed. The appointment is for Monday (9pm) at the Cinemazzurro, in via Tagliamento, where the film presented in renowned Italian festivals will be screened, where it has made known a local history and the Ancona area, through historical and unpublished films from the post-war period, during during which the city was seriously injured by the devastating bombings which practically destroyed three neighborhoods of the historic center: the port, Guasco and San Pietro.

“Goodbye in February” is the result of a long work of recovering a story, that of Bruno, an Italian who emigrated to Argentina in the 1950s, and the love for a woman, Delia. A love that lasted a lifetime. Bruno’s return to his homeland after Delia’s death is experienced by the protagonist as a ‘duty’ to re-establish contact with his roots. The visit to the places of childhood, to his native home, the reunion with the Adriatic Sea, witness and accomplice of that love, the embrace with the granddaughter he has never met, are the most emotional stages of the story that they represent for Bruno the possibility of reuniting with one’s inner world.

The film was recently sent to many communities of Marche people around the world and to various regional schools, in collaboration with the Emigration Museum of Recanati, and was the subject of study in several lessons at the University of Urbino. Various places in Ancona visible in the film, starting with the Passetto beach. The evening of the day after tomorrow will be opened by Professor Rodolfo Bersaglia, who will talk about the city in the post-war period with a short conference. At the end of the screening, director Gabriele Ogiva will remain available to the public to answer any questions. But not only. Ogiva will provide some previews of his latest work, entitled “I Girasoli di Pietra”. It is a dossier film which always sees the city of Ancona as the protagonist, and which tells a news story which Resto del Carlino has also covered several times. Starting from September, the film will tour festivals throughout Italy. The proceeds of the evening will be entirely donated to a shelter in the city of Falconara.


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