Trentino deals with bad weather: flooding and trees on the roads – News

Trentino deals with bad weather: flooding and trees on the roads – News
Trentino deals with bad weather: flooding and trees on the roads – News

TRENT. The bad weather gives no respite to Trentino, which woke up, from the early hours of dawn, under heavy rainfall.

The pouring rain on the valley floor gradually turned into snow at the higher altitudes. Inconveniences are inevitable, especially to traffic, and the succession of calls to the fire brigade. In fact, numerous floods have been reported throughout the provincial territory, although of a rather limited extent.

There is no shortage of inconveniences on the roads, mainly due to falling trees and small landslides. In Mattarello, near the Trentino Music Arena, a plant uprooted from the ground has invaded both lanes of the road that runs along the San Vincenzo area.

Problems also in Valsugana, whose traffic this morning was also put to the test by the consequences of an accident in the Martignano tunnel. On the state road along Lake Caldonazzo, near Tenna, the firefighters intervened to remove, in this case too, a plant that had fallen onto the road.

It is no coincidence that yesterday the Province had issued a yellow alert, also in consideration of the large quantity of water absorbed by the territory in recent weeks.

Already in the last hours of the morning, and especially from the afternoon, the bad weather should ease.

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