the actions of Sardinia, Calabria and Emilia Romagna – Ruminantia – Web Magazine of the world of Ruminants

the actions of Sardinia, Calabria and Emilia Romagna – Ruminantia – Web Magazine of the world of Ruminants
the actions of Sardinia, Calabria and Emilia Romagna – Ruminantia – Web Magazine of the world of Ruminants

Interventions by some regions to support local agro-livestock supply chains have been published in recent days. From support for the purchase of breeding stock in Sardinia, to the balance of the 2023 campaign and payments relating to the PSP in Calabria, up to the new amendments proposed by Emilia Romagna to obtain support for those who have suffered damage from natural disasters and implement restrictions to prevent agricultural land from being used for ground-mounted photovoltaics. Below are the details for each geographical area.

Sardinia Region: interventions to support reclamation consortia and farmers

Improving the functionality of the Land Reclamation Consortia and support for farmers, whether individual or grouped together in associations, is the content of the latest resolutions approved by the Council on the proposal of the councilor for agriculture and agro-pastoral reform, Gian Franco Satta. Specifically, it concerns – for the first time ever – the provision of 100% of contributions to Reclamation Consortia in the 2024 financial year. An allocation of 32 million euros, charges to be borne entirely by the public, with the main aim of financing maintenance interventions on the reclamation plants and covering their operating costs, as well as contributing to energy costs electricity borne by them in the years 2023 and 2024. The sheep or cattle farmers, individuals or grouped together in associations – duly registered in the business register of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts and in the regional register of agricultural businesses – can access aid. There minimum threshold of aid to sheep farmers who intend to purchase male breeding sheep (Arbus black breed and Sardinian sheep) is 20 female heads (Arbus black) and of 40 female heads (race Sardinian). L’amount of the contribution is equal to 40% of eligible expenditure and arrives at 50% for young farmers and beneficiaries whose farms are located in mountainous and disadvantaged areas. For young farmers who purchase from Sardinian farms the contribution is raised to 75%. Instead, for aid to cattle breeders who intend to purchase male and female bovine breeding subjects – aged no more than 5 years -, the choice must fall on the breeds Charolaise, Limousine, Piedmontese, Chianina, Marchigiana, Pezzata Rossa (meat line), Sarda, Sardo-Modicana, Sardo-Bruna, Blonde D’Aquitaine, Aberdeen-Angus. The minimum threshold for accessing aid is 5 UBA (Adult Livestock Units) calculated on cattle of any category. No threshold will be applied for young farmers who set up as sole company manager, assuming civil and fiscal responsibility for company management for the first time. For young farmers who purchase from Sardinian farms the contribution is up to 75%. It will be the task of Laore Sardinia, the Regional Agency for the implementation of regional programs in the agricultural field and for rural development, prepare tenders and provide aid up to the capacity for each accounting year. For further information click HERE!

Calabria Region: approximately 40 million euros in payment for agricultural companies

The news was disclosed in recent days by the regional agriculture department, specifying that an amount of over 12 million euros has already been authorized for the payment of the balance of the contributions of 2023 campaign of the Single Question, equal to 100% of the premium for the basic regime (titles) and 100% of coupled aid and eco-schemes. Furthermore, payments relating to the PSP in support of further measures have already been programmed, both falling within the 2023/2027 programming: atBiological agriculture (SRA 29) will be allocated approx 19 million and to theIntegrated agriculture (SRA 01) others 4 million of Euro. Also very soon will be the payment of 3,757,281.84 euros, linked to the contributions on the 2014/2022 PSR programming which will be distributed to 98 beneficiaries, of which seventy-five young entrepreneurs (measures 4.2.1 and 61.1.). Among the measures concerned are those relating to “Investments in agricultural holdings where a young farmer is established”, “Investments in infrastructure”, “Support for Leader local development” and “Investments in the transformation, marketing and development of agricultural products ”. For further information click HERE!

Emilia-Romagna Region: four proposals to Mipaf to support the agricultural and agri-food supply chains

The Region’s Agriculture Department has sent the Government four proposals for amendments to Legislative Decree 63/2024 which contains numerous measures to protect and relaunch the sector primary of the economy. Published in the Official Journal, the provision must be confirmed and possibly integrated when converted into law in Parliament. The proposed amendments range from compensation for production losses following the landslides caused by the 2023 flood, to the measures to combat African swine fever, to compensation for the fruit growing system for the damage caused by the frosts of 2023, up to the containment of ground-mounted photovoltaic panels with the proposal to amend Legislative Decree 199/2021 on energy from renewable sources. It is requested, for example, that interventions for damage caused by landslides or which have received partial compensation may also be included in the compensation instruments, and that agricultural businesses which last year suffered production losses due to the late frosts and other adverse climatic events, and who have not benefited from compensation from insurance policies or mutual funds. Another important proposal is the one you ask for restrictions on the use of agricultural land for the installation of photovoltaic panels with the modification of Legislative Decree 199 of 2021 on renewables. It is preferable, writes the department, to exploit abandoned areas and not agricultural land used for food production. In particular, the amendment requires the elimination of the opportunity to install systems up to 500 meters from motorways and 300 meters from industrial, artisanal and commercial production areas. If we consider along the A1 motorway and other motorways, as well as near the industrial, commercial and artisanal areas potentially available to host 100% traditional ground-mounted photovoltaics, the current device would allow installation on hundreds of thousands of hectares of fertile soil, damaging the agricultural crops of the area and products with PDO and PGI geographical indications.

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