Trapani, Antonini: “Exclusively mental problem. We have to reset, the desire to win must return”

Series D

Trapani, Antonini: “Exclusively mental problem. We have to reset, the desire to win must return

05/27/2024 at 2.38 pm

The president of Trapani, Valerio Antoninihe comments on the knockout against the Follonica Gavorrano:

“The problem is exclusively mental, not one of fatigue or close commitments. We have been champions since April 7th, then the challenges with Altamura and Cavese were the first. When you lose the hunger to win, any differences in quality that exist disappear. We have to reset, these days this apathy must disappear, the desire to be on the pitch and win must return, without excuses. Arbitrage and heat are nonsense. If we lost against Follonica Gavorrano and Cavese it was only our fault. I hope the team examines its conscience in these two matches. Then if they feel they are on holiday, they will be on holiday. As president, I can only remind them that they are paid and paid until June 30th. I expect them to be professionals until the end, otherwise I will draw the consequences and anyone who hasn’t been professional in the last few days will certainly not be part of Trapani.”

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