Omega Mesagne volleyball wins in Matera by 3

Like a caterpillar this evening in Matera, Omega-Cirio Annunziata Volley Mesagne fell on PSA Matera Volley, overwhelming them 3-1 (21-25 /25-17 /25-13 /25-17). In the Lanera sports hall of the charming “Citta’ dei Sassi” packed in every row of seats, Tony Lo Re’s boys have put a small but serious mortgage on this much desired promotion to Serie B. But they also know very well that on Wednesday 29 May in the Pala Macchitella of S .Vito dei Normanni will not be easy at all. Because this evening the Lucanians, despite having a reshuffled formation, really sold their lives dearly, responding blow for blow to their Salento rivals, proving to be a difficult and mangy formation. First set taken by Matera after a series of blows and blows but marked by 5 wrong serves and 5 gratuitous errors by the guests which allowed the hosts to deservedly take the first set. I returned to the field in the second set with a more determined but above all more conservative Omega, especially when serving with Ciaccia coming in in place of D’Amico who as in Monopoli against Polignano he was ready as always. Reception recorded to the millimeter (Baldassarre a real machine) and the guns Ristani (in the end 30 points for him) Buccoliero (18 points) and Andreatta (14 points) begin to dismantle the opponents’ certainties. Dismantled certainties that materialized even more in the third set where the blocks of D’Amico and Caliolo put the rest. Same music in the fourth and decisive set with Olimpio and Bartuccio giving a little of rest on the sidelines but with a PSA Matera now resigned on the pitch which slowly faded away under the attacks of the usual Ristani Buccoliero and Andreatta. “It was a match with 2 faces” as a breathless Aldo Indolfi Patron Omega began -Cirio Volley after the match “In the first we witnessed an Omega-Cirio entering the field a little distracted and unfocused. Perhaps the absence of some of their key men in the Lucanian ranks will have led more than one person to think that came for a picnic. Then later, having seen the high level of the opponent’s play and that there was little to joke about, they unsheathed their proverbial scimitars and came to the end of a match that risked becoming complicated. In hindsight, Ultimately, perhaps it was for the best because we will certainly see another Omega on the pitch at S.Vito on Wednesday 29th. But allow me, and in closing, to make a small observation and thanks to two representatives of two of our Great Sponsors. I am referring to the Doctor Lorena Chezzi representing CIRIO CONSERVE ITALIA and Doctor Simonetta Zanzico representing STUDIO WELLNESS PLANET SSD who, accompanied by some of their loved ones, also follow us away with enthusiasm and dedication, reiterating once again, if there is still any were as necessary as these Forse Sane Locali are doing for us so that our dream can still continue,” Appointment therefore in the Pala Macchitella of S.Vito dei Normanni on Wednesday 29 May at 8.00 pm where no one must miss it.

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