Barletta weather, the forecast for tomorrow Tuesday 28 May


The forecast for Tuesday 28 May at Barletta show an alternation of atmospheric conditions throughout the day. In the morning, the sky will be overcast with a cloud cover of 97-99%, while in the afternoon precipitation in the form of light rain is expected with a probability of around 70-80%. Temperatures will remain around +20-23°C, with a slight decrease during the day.

During the morning, starting from the early hours, the sky will be 97% covered with a temperature that will settle around +22°C. The wind speed will be light, coming from the North East with gusts up to 12-18km/h. Humidity will remain around 53-55%, while atmospheric pressure will be stable at 1014-1015hPa.

In the afternoon, weather conditions will tend to worsen with the arrival of light rains. Cloud cover will be around 82-84%, with temperatures dropping to +20-22°C. The wind will blow from the South East with an intensity varying between 2.9 and 17.5km/h. Precipitation could reach 0.82mm, with humidity hovering around 66-68%.

In evening, light rains will continue to affect the area, with cloud cover remaining at around 53-84%. Temperatures will remain stable around +18-20°C, with winds coming from different directions and speeds between 0.6 and 8.7km/h. Precipitation could vary between 0.22mm and 0.27mm, with humidity remaining around 74-75%.

In conclusion, the weather forecast for Tuesday 28 May at Barletta they indicate a day characterized by overcast skies in the morning and light rain in the afternoon and evening. Temperatures will remain at spring values, with humidity fluctuating between 53% and 75%. It is advisable to pay attention to changing weather conditions and prepare adequately for any rain during the day.

All the weather data for Tuesday 28 May in Barletta

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