Reggio Emilia weather, forecast for tomorrow Tuesday 28 May


The forecast for Tuesday 28 May at Reggio Emilia show variable conditions throughout the day. In the morning, we expect light rain with cloud cover around 98%. Temperatures will remain around +17°C, with a similar thermal perception. The wind will blow from the North West at a speed of around 8km/h, with gusts of up to 13km/h. Humidity will be high, around 89%, and atmospheric pressure will be around 1016hPa.

In the afternoon, light rain will continue with a probability of around 97%. Temperatures will rise slightly, reaching +18.6°C, with a thermal perception of +18.7°C. The wind will always be from the North – North West, with a speed of around 7km/h. Humidity will decrease slightly to 81%, while atmospheric pressure will remain stable at 1016hPa.

During the evening, rain will ease and cloud cover will decrease, reaching 56%. Temperatures will drop to +20°C, with the same thermal perception. The wind will change direction, coming from the North East at a speed of 5.8km/h. Humidity will increase to 74%, while atmospheric pressure will remain constant at 1014hPa.

In conclusion, Tuesday 28 May to Reggio Emilia will see a rainy start to the day, with light rain and high cloud cover. As the day progresses, rain will continue, but cloud cover will gradually decrease. Temperatures will remain cool, with values ​​around +17-20°C. The wind will be moderate, coming from different directions. Humidity will be high, while atmospheric pressure will remain stable. You are advised to pay attention to the constantly changing weather conditions and be prepared for possible light rain throughout the day.

All the weather data for Tuesday 28 May in Reggio Emilia

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