Antonella Ruggiero’s voice conquers the Benevento public

The infinite grace and sublime voice of Antonella Ruggiero conquer and move the Benevento audience in an evening to remember.

On Saturday evening we attended a great concert, yet another sold-out for the penultimate event of the 2023/2024 Concert Season, artistically directed by Filippo Zigante and Marcella Parziale, with Aglaia McClintock as scientific consultant, proposed by Accademia di Santa Sofia, in collaboration with the University of Sannio and the Conservatory of Benevento which, from this year, as a concrete commitment in favor of the communities, Banco Bpm has also joined, to support culture and promote its diffusion in the territories, also through musical initiatives.

The Sant’Agostino auditorium crowded with an adoring crowd welcomes the great artist with thunderous applause, supported by the excellent Orchestra of the “N. Sala” in Benevento, conducted with contagious enthusiasm by the excellent Francesco D’Ovidio and with the participation of Davide Cavuti on accordion. Cavuti, author, director, musician and composer as well as an extraordinary performer, during the evening alongside Antonella Ruggiero, will surprise us with two of his warhorses, two absolute masterpieces by Astor Piazzolla, Oblivion and Libertango.

With the refined and very audacious vocal acrobatics of Antonella Ruggiero, the undisputed lady of Italian song, the soundtrack of the evening is a succession of emotions, poignant memories and pleasant discoveries, among milestones of Italian pop music, noble songwriting and highly original interpretations of classics of world music, also thanks to the special orchestral arrangements by Umberto Aucone which shine with style and freshness.

Antonella Ruggiero, famous singer who founded and made Matia Bazar famous in Italy and around the world, and who, after a seven-year “suspension”, embarks on a career as a soloist, moving, between research and experimentation, from pop to opera, he is a unique and unforgettable voice, engraved in the collective memory of our country. Her songs with the group and as a soloist have entered the classic repertoire of Italian pop music

She, with the infinite elegance that distinguishes her, immediately excites us from the first luminous notes of Amore Lontanissimo (1998), then a joyful dive into the past with Solo Tu (1977) and Per un’ora d’amore (1975), and a lashed to the heart with De André’s masterpiece ballad, Song of Lost Love (1966).

Enraptured, the audience awaits Roman Holiday (Critics Award at Sanremo 1983) which arrives with the class and retro nostalgia that distinguish it and after an interlude with the surprise “Oblivion” (1994) by Piazzolla with the impetuous accordion of Davide Cavuti , Antonella returns to give us her intense version of Bach’s Aria on the fourth string. She goes back to the 70s with Cavallo Bianco and here is the single that she brought alone to Sanremo 2005, Echi di finito. It arrives like a hurricane Impressions of September (1972) a masterful bow to the genius of PFM.

Another interlude and Cavuti hits us with the energy of Libertango (1977), Piazzolla again.

Applause of a driving force on which Ruggiero returns to invite us to clap our hands in time with the powerful dynamics of Ti Senti (1985) and are continuous acclamations until the final song, a hymn to peace, an invocation of hope, the famous and delightful song about freedom and independence dear to Cubans, Guantanamera. And the elated audience applauds and shouts bravo in an irrepressible and very long standing ovation. Fans and enthusiasts surround the artist for an hour between photos and autographs.

After the initial greetings from Maria Buonaguro, President of Amici Accademia and Marcella Parziale, the usual prelude to the show was entrusted to Antonella Tartaglia Polcini, UNISANNIO professor of Private Law and Councilor for Culture of the Municipality of Benevento, with a speech entitled “The time of law ”, a beautiful reflection on the sense of time in law and the sense of law in time. The teacher with polite accuracy illustrated some basic concepts of law on the concept of property in relation to time, and through history, to then arrive at the concept of time of law in today’s world, concluding her considerations by quoting the most famous biblical passage on the theme of time, the little poem found in the most philosopher and “rationalist” of the sacred writers, Ecclesiastes (or Ecclesastes): For everything there is a moment, a time for everything under the sky, there is a time to be born, and a time to die, a time to plant, and a time to uproot what has been planted, a time to kill, and a time to heal, a time to tear down, and a time to build, a a time to cry, and a time to laugh, a time to mourn, and a time to dance, a time to throw stones, and a time to pick up stones, a time to embrace, and a time to shrink from embraces, a time to seek, and a time to let go, a time to keep, and a time to throw away, a time to tear, and a time to mend, a time to keep quiet, and a time to speak, a time to love, and a time to hate, a time of war, and a time of peace.


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