The “Civic Power – Fanelli Mayor” list presented

This morning we presented the Potenza Civica list and its members.” He writes Francesco Fanelli in a note in which he adds: “We are very enthusiastic, we have big plans and a great desire to realize them. Our path has always been clear, shared, open to dialogue and civic movements.
This is also the synthesis of what we intend to do for Potenza: a great collective effort, great teamwork and union of all the intelligences of the city.
We need everyone’s contribution because this city of ours needs to continue dreaming. Potenza looks forward with us!” A few days ago, the mayoral candidate of the broad center right also wrote that “Our city has enormous potential. A human and cultural capital that has too often not been valorised. Changing this paradigm is for me, for us, a duty. We owe it to our young people who are the present and not, as everyone says, the future of our city. We want to transform Potenza into the city of opportunities. We want to do it with deeds, not words. We have already demonstrated this by opening the Master’s Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery in the city, giving our young people the opportunity to train and stay in the area. This is how depopulation is combated. There is a need to fight youth unemployment but at the same time it is necessary to invest in the training and skills of young people. For this reason we believe that Unibas must seriously become an integral part of the city and make what are now disused buildings places of aggregation and sociality but also real factories of culture and home of talents.
This process must be open to everyone and accessibility must therefore also become a crucial issue and a challenge to overcome. We are repeating it day after day: a common and collective effort is needed. As happened with the assignment of Potenza Città dei Giovani, it is necessary to create a network and system of the many excellences. Only in this way can we make Potenza increasingly attractive. To do what we have in mind we need your trust. I won’t let you down, we won’t let you down. Together, we can. Potenza looks forward with us!

Registered in the register of journalists of Basilicata.

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