Pordenone Weather Forecast: all the details for next week 27

The weather forecast for Pordenone indicates an unstable week, with overcast skies and light rain. Temperatures will remain normal, with humidity ranging from 61% to 87%. It is advisable to pay attention to rainfall and adapt activities based on the weather. Scattered clouds, light rain and temperatures of up to +24.6°C are expected on Monday. On Tuesday and Wednesday the sky will be overcast with light rain and temperatures around +22.7°C. Light rain and temperatures around +16.7°C are confirmed on Thursday.

Monday 27 May

In the night in Pordenone, they are expected scattered clouds with a cloud cover of 45%. Temperatures will be around +16.5°Cwith a perception of +16.4°C. The wind will blow a 5.6km/h from the North, with light gusts of 5.8km/h. The humidity will be of 81% and the atmospheric pressure of 1019hPa.

During the morning, the sky will be covered with cloud cover reaching the ninety two%. Temperatures will rise to +22.4°Cwith a perception of +22.3°C. The wind will be from the South East to 4.4km/h, with light gusts. One is expected light rain with 0.13mm of precipitation. The humidity will be of 61%.

In the afternoon, the sky will remain covered with cloud cover al 100%. Maximum temperatures will be +24.6°Cwith a perception of +24.4°C. The wind will be weak, with intensity around 6.7km/h coming from the South. The probability of light rain will be 47%.

In the evening, weather conditions will not change significantly, with clear skies covered to the 98% and temperatures that will remain around +17.1°C. One is expected light rain with 0.45mm of precipitation. Humidity will be high, reaching86%.

Tuesday 28 May

During the night, the sky will be covered with a cloud cover of 98%. Temperatures will remain stable around +16.6°C, with a similar perception. The wind will be weak, coming from the North 3.4km/h. A probability of is expected 34% of light rain.

In the early morning hours, the sky will remain covered with cloud cover al 96%. Temperatures will be around +16.3°Cwith a perception of +16.2°C. The wind will be slightly stronger, with a speed of 3.5km/h from the North – North West. One is expected light rain with 0.15mm of precipitation.

During the morning, weather conditions will not improve, with clear skies covered to the 90% and temperatures that will rise to +16°C. A probability of is expected 84% of light rain. The wind will blow from the North to 4km/h.

In the afternoon, the weather will continue to be unsettled with cloudy skies covered to the 100% and temperatures that will remain around +22.7°C. One is expected light rain with 0.26mm of precipitation. The humidity will be of 56%.

In the evening, the sky will remain covered with cloud cover al 97%. Temperatures will be around +15.8°C. A probability of is expected 28% of light rain. The humidity will be82%.

Wednesday 29 May

During the night, the sky will be covered with a cloud cover of 98%. Temperatures will remain around +15.8°C, with a similar perception. The wind will blow from the North – North East to 14km/h. A probability of is expected 48% of light rain.

In the early morning hours, the sky will remain covered with cloud cover al 100%. Temperatures will be around +15.9°Cwith a perception of +15.5°C. The wind will be moderate, with a speed of 9.1km/h from the North. A probability of is expected 40% of light rain.

During the morning, weather conditions will not improve, with clear skies covered to the 100% and temperatures that will rise to +18.5°C. A probability of is expected 71% of light rain. The wind will blow from the South East to 3.9km/h.

In the afternoon, the weather will continue to be unsettled with cloudy skies covered to the 100% and temperatures that will remain around +22.7°C. A probability of is expected 40% of light rain. The humidity will be of 57%.

In the evening, the sky will remain covered with cloud cover al 100%. Temperatures will be around +17.4°C. A probability of is expected 28% of light rain. The humidity will be82%.

Thursday 30 May

Overnight, a light rain with a cloud cover of 100%. Temperatures will remain around +16.3°Cwith a perception of +16.2°C. The wind will blow from the North – North East to 6.5km/h. One is expected light rain with 0.39mm of precipitation. The humidity will be87%.

In the early morning hours, the sky will be covered with cloud cover al 96%. Temperatures will be around +15.9°Cwith a perception of +15.8°C. One is expected light rain with 0.54mm of precipitation. The humidity will be89%.

During the morning, skies will remain covered with cloud cover al 97% and temperatures that will remain stable around +15.5°C. One is expected light rain with 0.87mm of precipitation. The humidity will be of ninety two%.

In the afternoon, the weather will continue to be unsettled with cloudy skies covered to the 98% and temperatures that will remain around +15.4°C. One is expected light rain with 0.56mm of precipitation. The humidity will be of ninety two%.

In the evening, the sky will be covered with cloud cover al 98%. Temperatures will be around +16.7°C. One is expected light rain with 0.38mm of precipitation. The humidity will be88%.

In conclusion, the week in Pordenone will be characterized by unstable weather conditions, with overcast skies and light rain. Temperatures will remain normal for the period, with humidity varying between 61% and 87%. It is advisable to pay attention to rainfall and adapt activities to the weather.

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