Prato weather, the forecast for tomorrow Monday 27 May


The weather forecast in Prato for Monday 27 May show an alternation of atmospheric conditions throughout the day. In the morning, the sky will be overcast with a percentage of clouds ranging between 87% and 93%. Temperatures will remain around +22°C at 08:00gradually rising until it reaches i +25.1°C at 11:00 am. The wind will blow from variable directions, with a speed between 2.4km/h hey 6km/h.

In the afternoon, the sky will remain overcast with cloud cover ranging between 88% and 100%. Maximum temperatures will be around +25.6°C between 1:00 pm and the 2pmwhile the wind speed will increase until it reaches i 12.7km/h at 3pm. The probability of precipitation is expected to vary between 18% and the 22%.

In the evening, the sky will continue to be overcast with a percentage of clouds that will remain around 99%. Temperatures will gradually drop, reaching i +15.7°C about 11pm. The wind will blow with a speed between 2.2km/h hey 3km/h coming mainly from south-west directions.

In conclusion, the weather forecast for Monday 27 May in Prato indicates a day characterized by overcast skies, pleasant temperatures and moderate intensity wind. It is advisable to pay attention to the variation in atmospheric conditions throughout the day and keep an eye on any changes in the weather forecast for the next few days in Prato.

All the weather data for Monday 27 May in Prato

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