«After Italy we want to change Europe»

BRINDISI – «After 8 and 9 June we have the opportunity to have a delegation -», that of the Conservatives, «very large and strong. We therefore have the opportunity to make an impact in the European Parliament and continue along the path that has seen our government achieve very significant results in this year and a half.” The Minister for European Affairs, Cohesion Policies and the PNRR, Raffaele Fitto, said this in Brindisi during an electoral appointment in view of the European elections.
«The element of stability of our government – he added – represents an essential strong point. What we are doing in Italy, that is, changing Italy, we also want to do in Europe by changing Europe.”

In the European elections «Fratelli D’Italia aims to preserve the result of the elections. This would be a huge achievement. Taking into account that it would be, and I think it will be, the only government party that expresses the prime minister who will have a confirmation if not an improvement in his results in all countries – he continued -. This is not a detail: it demonstrates – he added – very clearly the effectiveness of Giorgia Meloni’s action. But also the credibility and ability that Giorgia Meloni is having to have a very positive impact in this direction, also changing an instrumental narrative that was made during the political elections.”

«We are working to put in place tools of a general nature first and foremost, I am thinking of the single special economic zone, the opportunities of the Pnrr and the revision interventions on the European Cohesion policy front -. Fitto responded about the possibility of signing a “Program Agreement for the city itself in light of a series of employment disputes in the industrial sector – Brindisi certainly deserves particular attention from the government due to its history from an industrial and entrepreneurial point of view ».

«We will make a comparison both at an institutional level but also – added the minister – in the context of the opportunities that can be created in the reconversion process. This morning I was at Cetma where we thought a lot about the opportunities to support our production system in terms of innovation and research”. According to Fitto, “we need to put in place tools capable of giving this type of response.”

«At the last political elections “there was talk everywhere about the fact that Giorgia Meloni would not have been capable of representing our country, that it would have been a disaster to have Giorgia Meloni as leader for Italy. So to think that we are just a few weeks away from the G7 summit he Italian presidency and recount all the results of this year and a half at an international level of Giorgia Meloni and her government, I think it represents a confirmation of how political debates are often instrumental and not true of what Giorgia Meloni is carrying forward”. The Minister for European Affairs, Cohesion Policies and the Pnrr concluded: «This is happening in harmony with the allies: precisely because we vote on a proportional scale we aim – concluded Fitto – to have a capable coalition. to be able to achieve this result. We work well with our allies and proceed in a coordinated manner.”

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