Lamezia, the Perri-Pitagora Institute celebrates the “Legality Day” with Salvatore Borsellino and the writer Silvia Camerino

Lamezia Terme – The “Perri-Pitagora” comprehensive institute celebrated the “Legality Day”. For the occasion, a meeting was held in the school auditorium, in the presence of students from primary and lower secondary schools, accompanied by their teachers. The students had the opportunity to meet and listen to the writer from Lamezia Silvia Camerino, who wrote the book “My brother Paolo” together with Salvatore Borsellino, who was present at the meeting connected remotely. The day was introduced and moderated by Professor Maria Antonietta Torchia, Legality representative for the school, also present was the school director Giuseppe De Vita and the lawyer Raffaella Mascaro.

Professor Torchia thanked the guests and urged the students to always keep alive the memory of those who fought and sacrificed their lives for others. The manager De Vita then intervened, underlining how the day of legality is not intended to be a mere demonstration but “a particular day in which we want to testify how we live legality in everyday life, through the everyday actions we do at the within the school, based on respect for legality”. Today’s action, added De Vita, “wants to be a continuum in our daily actions respecting the rules and we do it by remembering men of the state who gave their lives for others”. He filled the words of Judge Borsellino’s brother, connected remotely with the school, with meaning. “Today is not only Legality Day but it is a day of remembrance for one of the most terrible massacres that have marked the history of our country – said Salvatore Borsellino – an entire motorway was blown up in Capaci to kill Giovanni Falcone and 57 terrible days later the massacre occurred in via D’Amelio, where Paolo was killed. They were brothers, even if not by age, they had the same dreams and fought the same battles.” Until the last day of his life, Borsellino fought to discover who Falcone’s killers were, knowing that sooner or later it would be his turn too. “In those 57 days, the State should have protected him, but instead it wasn’t like that – added Salvatore – they sent him to war to fight the enemy, but the fire that killed him was not only that of the mafia: he he was killed from behind, by those who should have protected him.”

Strong words, which demonstrate how that wound still bleeds, as justice has not been done. “Hope,” he concluded, “is within you: my brother continues to tread on your legs.” During the morning the students recited poems, created a portrait of the magistrate, asked questions and told the lives of Paolo and Salvatore Borsellino, and also of the writer from Lamezia Silvia Camerino, who wrote the book “My brother Paolo” together with Salvatore Borsellino. . The writer responded to the numerous questions posed by the students, explaining how the book was born and also her membership in the “Red Agenda” association. Also present at the meeting was the lawyer Raffaella Mascaro who urged the students to always follow the rules and do everything in their own small way, always following the law.


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