Night of checks in Gallarate, mayor at the station. The Democratic Party: «The city is not safe»

GALLARATE – Second night of extraordinary checks at the station in Gallarate after the violent brawl that took place on Tuesday evening between gangs of young Gambians and Moroccans. Present the local police, the carabinieri and the state police, with the Crime prevention department. For the second evening, the mayor Andrea Cassani also remained with the officers and wanted to meet in person with the people who frequent the area, which has always been critical in terms of security. In the meantime the Democratic Party, the first opposition force, speaks of an “unsafe” city and invites the mayor to report as soon as possible on the prevention measures that it intends to adopt.

Mayor at the station

After three hours of staying at the station, around midnight the mayor takes stock of the situation. «The notable deployment of forces has discouraged bad guys from making improvident gestures. We hope that tonight’s checks are not spot-on but can last over time and that Gallarate can finally have a fixed police patrol. I think it’s necessary.” A concept that he had already reiterated yesterday in the prefecture at Committee for public order and security, underlining an unequal treatment between Varese and Busto with Gallarate regarding the presence of Volanti. Watch the video:

The note from the Democratic Party

Regarding the episodes of the past few days, this morning May 24th Democratic party issued a note. Here is the full text:

We read with concern about the episodes of violence that broke out near the station and in the Sciare’ neighborhood. They are not the first, unfortunately, but they are certainly another serious piece that shows an UNsafe Gallarate.
The city does not seem to be as safe as many members of the council or the majority continue to want to believe, not only because of what happened last Tuesday, but because of a sad series of events which the city seems to have to helplessly witness.
We hope that the extraordinary measures that the Mayor announced in view of the summit in the prefecture include, alongside countermeasures, the much more important prevention measures, until now absent in the weak security policy expressed by the current junta.
Is this the safe Gallarate they talk about? It is not enough to remove the benches and make a square beautiful again to have safety, there are other interventions that must be planned, facade operations are not enough to solve a problem that has deeper roots.
As PD we are concerned about the safety of the people of Gallara: ‘safety’ is not and must not be just a centre-right word, but we think that the strategies to be used to achieve the goal are necessarily different. We therefore ask the Mayor to report as soon as possible what measures he intends to pursue regarding safety and to open a discussion with the opposition on this matter. We do not believe in oppression and restriction but in policies that follow a philosophy of social inclusion and attention towards the outskirts of the city, which can return to giving a prospect of redemption and civil life for those who live on the margins.

Gallarate night mayor station – MALPENSA24
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