Municipal. Case Dello Iacono, Il Centro x Aversa: “They apologize”

The controversy over the Imma Dello Iacono affair continues, ending up at the center of an appeal for the ‘change of list’ one hour before the deadline for the presentation of the lists in Aversa.


In the hours following the presentation of the lists, the representatives of Antonio Farinaro’s coalition had requested access to the documents on the deposited lists.

THE agents of the lists Antonio Farinaro Mayor, Noi Moderati, Forza Aversa and Fratelli d’Italia had asked to see the copy of the documents relating to the renunciation of candidacy of Imma dello Iacono in Aversa Progressista (coalition csx – Baldascino mayor) and the acceptance of the candidacy in ” Il Centro” (Matacena mayoral coalition) and all the signature documents on the list.

The question that the representatives of Farinaro’s coalition asked themselves was about the timing of the ‘migration’ of Imma dello Iacono’s candidacy from the ‘Aversa Progressista’ list to that of ‘Il Centro per Aversa’: hence the presentation of the appeal to the Court of Appeal .

After the ruling by the Fifth Section of the Court of Appeal of Naples, today the ‘Il Centro x Aversa’ list (in support of Matacena mayor) wanted to make its ‘voice’ heard.

“Appeal yes. Appeal no. Appeal perhaps. We present to you a semi-serious story of those who are not the lookalikes of those who aspire to rule the city. No, it’s not the lookalikes at all, it’s really them!”.

“On the evening of 11.05.24, one of our consultants assured us that: There is no documentary violation; The regulation states that they cannot be the ones to appeal. So, anything will be rejected. At this point, a legitimate question arises: are we the ones who have relied on competent professionals who know the law, or are they the ones who have relied on approximate people who ignore the law? We would have preferred not to have to talk about this topic.”

“We at ‘Il Centro x Aversa’ are focused on discussing themes, solutions, vision of the city, of the Aversa to come. Unfortunately we find ourselves forced to do so. We must do this because what has been read (and intentionally communicated to the media?) through the press in recent days does not correspond to the truth.”

“Let’s clarify one thing: neither the candidate Imma Dello Iacono nor those responsible for the ‘Il Centro x Aversa’ list have ever received any notification. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. In legal matters, as long as there is no notification to the interested parties, there is no recourse. This means that all purported claims submitted by anyone have been deemed ineligible.”

“Inadmissible. Rejected. For us they are ridiculous, indeed, violently exploited. To be clear, we always consider any request for clarification to the competent offices from anyone to be legitimate. Although we must admit that for us at ‘Il Centro x Aversa’, we compared the narrative of an appeal with hopes of being accepted in the specific case to the theory of flat earthism, i.e. fluff. Cosmic nothingness.”

“We are more than convinced that all procedures were performed perfectly. The dates were respected. Timetables were respected. With sincerity, we have been laughing about it since they told us that some ‘candidates-not-candidates-lawyers’ wanted to appeal and appeal against the candidacy of Imma Dello Iacono and for the refusal of the list in which she was included, in perfect style: ‘ugh, teacher it’s not right though’; or more simply: ‘go ahead, maybe we’ll go to the ballot’”.

“We didn’t think all this comedy was possible. We didn’t think it was possible that a decent person, with common sense, an esteemed professional and the mayoral candidate of the coalition Antonio Farinaro would allow and authorize such a ridiculous thing. Something got out of hand, imagine if he had to manage our city. That is, one and/or two appeals. But that’s it.”

“Our hope was that the news of the presentation of a phantom appeal was unfounded. This is not for us, but only because as far as we know in the opposing coalition led by the lawyer. Antonio Farinaro there are people who deal with the matter for a living and who, according to what they say around the world, would never have had their request for an appeal rejected not once but even twice, or something like that, or even something else similar. not better specified”.

“We no longer even know how to define the mess of documents they are said to have produced. But this is. The sad, very sad, dangerous and violent thing about this whole affair is not the ridiculous (and rejected) appeal with even predictable outcomes. But it’s completely different.”

“It is the fury exclusively through the press against the person, the simple fact of wanting to destroy the candidate with newspaper articles, the fueling of suspicion, the going against a woman with no legal but only media hopes. Create psychological tension.”

“Standing communicatively against a mother, against a professional, involved in politics. Against an outgoing administrator. Against a socially engaged woman. With this tenacity, only and exclusively spectacular, because there is nothing juridical about it; what do you want to make Imma Dello Iacono pay?”.

“What crime did Imma commit? That is a woman who can do it? That you are a woman and as such you shouldn’t be involved in politics, because politics in Aversa is only for men? That the man is strong and can hit the woman hard in the media without ever stopping? Shame”.

“If you knew you couldn’t get anywhere in legal terms, why didn’t you stop at the first failure on Saturday itself? Why this fury, why all this ferocity, why all this repeated violence? Is there a belief that it has committed some procedural error? Perhaps the answer is simpler.”

Is it likely that the persistence is the result of the fact that he said no several times to Antonio Farinaro’s request to apply to join his lists? This can be fully verified by contacting interested parties. So what do you want to make her pay for all this?”

“I mean, you expect answers from real men. Although the only thing he should expect from them would be a huge apology. It’s easy, listen to us.”

“At the same time, however, it would be useful for them to also apologize to the city of Aversa for the violent attacks they suffered. Only in this way will they redeem themselves, at least partially, from a sensational failure. Do something, do an exercise. Let’s try to understand what it feels like to be in the media meat grinder.”

“With a cool head, try to look your wives, your daughters, your companions in the face and reflect on the fact that Imma could have been one of them at that moment. Let them reflect. Let them think carefully and find the courage to take a step back.”

“We repeat, let them apologize publicly. They apologize to Imma and the City. One day the electoral campaign will end and we will all find ourselves walking through the streets of Aversa. Via Roma, Piazza Municipio or wherever. I hope they don’t want to run the risk of meeting Imma and having to lower their gaze and be ashamed.”

“Don’t let this happen. Let them redeem themselves before that time. We trust in them. We owed him so much… With respect.”

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