Avellino, Asidep case: Geko absorbs redundancies

There Geko spa it could absorb 20 employees and no longer 18, redundancy incentives for 10 operators close to retirement and the opening of a channel of dialogue with the regional councilors for Work and Training. There is a thin glimmer of light in the Asidep dispute which sees the 53 workers of the industrial purification subsidiary on strike for 3 weeks and have been garrisoning the ASI headquarters for almost two weeks. This was brought to light by yesterday afternoon’s round table in Pianodardine convened by the president of the Consortium for the Industrial Development Area, Pasquale Pisano, which saw the participation of the Irpinia regional councilors from the Pd and Italia Viva, Maurizio Petracca and Enzo Alaia.

Together with them, the liquidator of the srl, Giuseppe Dino Covino, the same workers, the unitary union representatives of Fiom, Fismic and Uil, Nunzio Scibelli, Saverio Bellofatto and Maria Mottola, as well as the secretary of Uil, Luigi Simeone, that of UilM, Gaetano Altieri, and of Fismic, Giuseppe Zaolino, with his deputy Franco Mosca. The ASI summit began by making everyone aware of the situation, illustrating the plan to access social safety nets and defer payments of outstanding salaries. Before talking about layoffs, however, the workers replied, at least two months’ wages of the four still to be paid must be paid.

«But above all, explains Bellofatto, we reiterated that we are willing to sign an agreement only if the guarantees on maintaining employment levels are guaranteed by ASI. Redundancy plan and payment schedule must be in the Consortium’s head.

Asidep, which has been in liquidation for a year now, and with a bankruptcy petition filed with the Court hanging over its balance sheet and financial position, is already practically in default. It is therefore useless to proceed along the path of the last proposal. Rather, we need to go back to the first draft agreement. In the meantime we will continue to abstain from the activities of the plants, which remain abandoned, and to occupy the headquarters of the Consortium. We want concrete facts. Enough with commitments that are then promptly not kept.”

There seems to be some positive news, however. Meanwhile, it would seem that Geko spa, the company that was awarded the management of the service for three months which can be extended, intends to absorb 20 employees and not 18 as per the tender specifications under the personal item. While encouraging the exodus of around ten operators should also be feasible. For their part, Petracca and Alaia ensured an interlocution, respectively, with the councilors for Work, Antonio Marchiello, and for Training, Armida Filippelli, to start a fruitful and rapid discussion on the contribution that Palazzo Santa Lucia is called upon to give to put the dispute on the right tracks.

«It would seem that some steps forward towards clarity have been made, declared Zaolino after the appointment, and that the involvement of the regional councilors was not an electoral runway. Now, however, to unblock the agreement we must go through an institutional roundtable in the Prefecture, where a framework agreement is signed, and a second round of consultation in the Region with the councilors for whom the Irpinia councilors will act as intermediaries in these days”.

And he adds: «One way to extend the training period, during the rotating layoffs, would be to have employees acquire new skills and through Geko propose other additional services to companies. This would also allow us to broaden the pool of necessary personnel. Then if there is continuity of work and the arrears are paid we will be able to reach a truce and resume a more regular path.”

Finally, a final consideration: «Petracca and Alaia have put their best foot forward, if Pisano makes certain commitments we can begin to see the light. But enough with the broken promises, concludes Zaolino, there is no more room for these games.”


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