“It’s not the right time.” The Prime Minister of the PNA in Rome

Italy remains firm on the position it took at the UN General Assembly when it chose to abstain on the resolution which last May 10 recognized…

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Italy remains firm on the position taken at the UN General Assembly when it chose to abstain on the resolution which last May 10th recognized Palestine as qualified to become a full member of the United Nations, recommending to the Security Council to « reconsider the matter favorably.” This is how the Farnesina explains its line. The green light from the Security Council, where the US vetoed last month, is a necessary condition for any full approval. But for the government it is also a question of opportunity, after the celebration not only of the Palestinian National Authority, but also of Hamas, first for the decision of the General Assembly and yesterday for the announcement shared by Spain, Ireland and Norway. A choice attributed by the terrorist organization to the “courageous Palestinian resistance.

Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani had already announced: «Soon we will meet the prime minister of the Palestinian Authority and we will open a path which, however, cannot be made of recognition of Palestine without Israel’s recognition of the Palestinian State and vice versa. Then we need to understand what the Palestinian state is because we cannot recognize a state led by Hamas.” And in fact on Saturday morning Mohammed Mustafà will be received at Palazzo Chigi, by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and by Tajani himself.

«Italy abstained on the UN vote for the recognition of Palestine because it is at the helm of the G7 and the majority of the countries that are part of it abstained. We are in favor of the State of Israel and that of Palestine. We are supporters of the creation of a UN mission”, Tajani said a few days ago and underlined how Italy intends to address the issue.

Now the Farnesina underlines how there is a relationship of collaboration and assistance with the Palestinian people, pointing out that, although France had expressed itself favorably at the UN Assembly, now the French Foreign Minister, Stephane Sejournè, has shown caution about the opportunity of choice at this time. And how, especially for Spain and Norway, the decision can also be influenced by political balances within the governing majority. Italy, moreover, they explain, shares its position with Berlin (which, like Italy, abstained from the Assembly), with the final objective of a two-state solution.


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