no Abruzzo Region auditors on deficit resolution

Healthcare, no Abruzzo Region auditors on deficit resolution. Unfavorable opinion on the settlement rule today in the Council

The Board of Auditors of the Abruzzo Region has expressed an unfavorable opinion on the resolution of the Regional Council which allocates 68 million euros to cover the hole in the regional health service, produced by the four Abruzzo Local Health Authorities which in 2023 accumulated a total debt of over 122 million euros

The remaining part was covered with administration surpluses and other savings. The resolution will be examined by the Regional Council urgently convened for this afternoon at 4pm with approval times limited to 8pm. The document will be examined by the Budget Commission from 10.30am to 3pm, also in this case with time limits by the centre-right majority.

The urgency is linked to the fact that the papers will have to be presented on May 27th at the national monitoring table to which the former ‘rogue’ Regions are also subjected,
including Abruzzo which was placed under commissionership for the health deficit from 2007 to 2017.

Due to the hole in healthcare, the opposition, in particular the dem councilor Sandro Mariani, president of the Supervisory Commission, have asked for the resignation of the regional health councilor Nicoletta Verì.

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“Today the Abruzzo Regional Council is called to meet very quickly to address and approve the healthcare debt recovery plan. In this case it is not so much the extent of the economic coverage insured that should be underlined, but rather we would like to reiterate how the entire Council, in all its components, majority and opposition, have facilitated this process in the interest of our territory and the protection of the right to health.”

Thus in a note the president of the Regional Council of Abruzzo, Lorenzo Sospiri, commenting on the extraordinary session of the Assembly convened for this afternoon at 4 pm in L’Aquila, focused on the dismissal of a heavy maneuver for the filling of a hole produced by the four Abruzzo local health authorities of 122 million euros.

Sospiri brings up the four managers of the Abruzzo healthcare companies: “Obviously our work, at this point, will not end today”, he underlined again. “Rather from that moment a serious and detailed reflection will begin on the performances of the four General Directors of our Local Health Authorities, that is, the Regional Council no longer intends
act as a simple paper-passer of processes that we did not have the opportunity to evaluate from the beginning. Obviously the negative opinion of the Auditors is inevitably conditioned by the evolution of the situation in the face of a contingent need represented by the national comparison, without prejudice to the fact that during the assessment we will be able to better clarify the allocation of the resources that we will now use to cover the
medical debt itself.”

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