Lane beats Padova at Menti

All the red and whites deserved applause, but Pippo Costa’s performance was monstrous. Tronchin and Talarico and the entire rearguard also did very well. Mister Vecchi has forged a cohesive group, capable of inflaming with passion the almost 10,000 Berici fans present at the Menti.


CONFENTE 6.5: apart from a foul clearance in the 25th minute and a poor exit in the 60th minute, he always proved to be very effective, especially with the exits that defused any ambitions of the guests.

CUOMO 7+: precise, intelligent, vigorous. For him, yet another demonstration of how the management has drawn well from the pack of the winter transfer market. In addition to being relentless in coverage, he also allowed himself some stylistic refinement.

GOLEMIC 7.5: a dam against which the poor shielded white attackers miserably crashed. A truly courageous captain. Despite a career that speaks for itself, it was not a given that he would find confirmation in Vicenza. But what a player, damn!

SANDON 7: the youngest of the three bowlers on the field, he fights like a veteran, without fear and without pauses. Padova only threatens once in each half and from set pieces. The rest period granted to Laezza was excellently covered.

TALARIC 7.5: here’s another baby that the biancoscudati will dream about tonight like a horror nightmare. He sings and carries the cross, closing gaps, carrying the ball and going on the offensive, like in the 50th minute when his shot hit the upright, propitiating the subsequent 2-0

(DE COL)ng: he comes in and does his thing

TRONCHIN 7/8: the trio of young Musketeers is completed with Montebelluna’s baby, whose performance was applause-worthy for its continuity, dynamism and lucidity. A lot of stuff made available especially to his Brazilian colleague, of whom he certainly doesn’t have the talent but who he manages to cover in an extraordinary way. But can’t we really prevent him from going to Cittadella?

RONALDO 6.5: the coach had recommended him to measure his strength in view of future commitments and he did so with great sagacity. For this reason perhaps he wasn’t as flashy as on other occasions, but perhaps he felt the hostility concentrated on him by the Paduan public. Which he repaid properly…

(RED) ng: the good news is that Faustino is there

COSTA 8: it’s hard to find words for this player from Vicenza who this year has provided the red and whites with that something extra that Lane has been missing on the flanks for years. He was a constant thorn in Oddo’s side, inspiring the first goal with a volley assist and cutting through the shield-white midfield like butter. An wrath of God…

OF DEATH 7+: perhaps it wasn’t his best game of the season, but one constant is that when he gets the ball, opponents are in trouble. The opening was millimetric with a change of field in Berico’s advantage. Then he also has a hand in the doubling action. But his quality is now a fixed point.

(GREEK) ng: called upon to set the tone for the team does not disappoint

PILGRIMS 6+: he is uninspired in front of goal and makes some fans turn up their noses. But his contribution as a three-quarter field filter is great, full of ringworm and generosity. Let’s add that it is decisive at 2-0. I think that’s enough.

(OF THE NUNS) ng: he doesn’t add restarts but he works hard in interdiction

FERRARI 8: we understand it now. Even though he appears to be lounging around during the race, he is actually a lurking lion just waiting to strike. In the derby two very important goals, earned by being in the right place at the right time. Only us, only us, only we have the Loco.

Old Annex 7.5: someone said: Lane’s real fundamental player is on the bench and is the coach. I don’t know if he is really fundamental, but Stefano Vecchi is certainly doing an incredible job. Practically the same team that struggled with Diana is doing the feat today. Just look at the growth of some highly criticized elements in the first round and now on the crest of the wave. Praise therefore to the red and white helmsman, who recommends not letting your guard down. It’s not time for celebrations yet…

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