we call up the top 11 from Pistoia for 2023/24

The Group E year ends with the appointment of our ideal squad, with the 4-3-3 reference formation, and the best Pistoia coaches

Edited by Edoardo Gori and Gabriele Cecchi

The season has officially ended for all the Pistoia teams of Second Category Group E. The championship, with strong orange hues, ended with the victory and the consequent promotion of Atletico Casini Spedalino, a solid and constant team throughout the championship. However, Mr. Marchiseppe’s team had to fight for the title until the last day with numerous pursuers: Cintolese, Virtus Montale And Pistoia mountains who have alternated on the top steps of the podium several times this year, leaving great uncertainty until the season finale.

All in all, a quiet season San Niccolò, Village in Buggiano And Olimpia Quarrata: the possibility of reaching the playoffs was concrete, but the consistency of results in the long term was lacking. Salvation at the last instead for Pistoia Nord and Montalbano Cecinadecidedly evolved compared to last season. San Felice And Montale Antares instead they represent the sore points: relegated without even passing through the playouts and out of the race for salvation with a good month to go before the end of the championship.

In this ideal formation there will be those who, according to our editorial staff, were the best players in the league. The form used will be 4-3-3, complete with role-by-role reservations. We will also assign gold, silver and bronze benchso as to also reward the best coaches.

The top 11 of the Second Category


For the second consecutive year the best goalkeeper in the category: leads the defense, not surprisingly the second best in the championship, and takes home numerous clean sheets thanks to its plastic parades. The intervention on a close range header by Cecchi in a Virtus Montale-Cecina match, which ended 0-0 thanks also to his saves, was sensational to say the least. Last year he allowed Antares to save themselves, this year he fueled Virtus’ playoff dream until the last day. In Montale the doors are safe.


Real technical leader of the second best Pistoia team: runs, targets the man, defends and plays where needed. Mister Avanzati almost never takes it off and he does well. Almost always among the best on the pitch and a guiding light for the team in the most critical moments, as happened in the playoff semi-final against Prato Nord. Also awarded for his ductility: starts the season playing as right back, but as the championship progresses he is moved further forward; he excels in both roles.

Simoni, first on the right, marking his direct opponent


The only outfield player he is confirmed in our Top XI compared to 2022-23. However, if a year ago his absence due to disqualification was the main regret in the photo finish in the playoff final with Pistoia Nord, this time the appointment is a icing on the cake. If you ask Casini who he is Alpha, no one will respond by naming the young singer who gave a splendid version of “Sogna,boydream” in Sanremo paired with Roberto Vecchioni. Everyone will say that he is an orange and blue defender and even a superior one.


It was impossible to keep the Virtus captain out, despite having missed several matches due to suspensions. Impeccable defensively, real old fashioned marker. Even though he is no longer very young anticipate often and willingly the direct opponent, often stealing the ball from him. The manifesto of his season is the sumptuous performance offered in the Montale derby, a true turning point in the Virtussino championship.

Group E Second 23-24 Pistoia Nord vs Virtus Montale
Giannini, second from the right, ready to tackle his opponent


By detachment the best of the Giallorossi team: and the technical and emotional leader of a team that, in the absence of great offensive references, often places its hopes in a sudden flare-up. He alternates great performances with bad days and, if it weren’t for his excessively fiery temperament, he would certainly be deserving of a higher category. His left-handedness is undoubtedly among the best absolute in the category, ask Borgo a Buggiano for information.


Race from midfielder and fantasy as an attacking midfielder. The young Giallorossi had already shown off last season, when Olimpia almost got off to a slow start only to then surrender to the internal playout with Montale. This year was a completely different story. Among the flashes of Franceschini (inserted on the bench only due to the muscular problems that affected him from December onwards), Buonomo And Toll boothsLodovico gave his excellent contribution and is looking forward to improving his numbers.


The metronome and the hinge of the champions of Group E with the habit of scoring heavy goals. Sardis, strong of his left-handed refined and his insertions on set pieces, he left a heavy stamp on the glorious season of the orange and blues. Just think of the home match last December against Pistoia Nord: in the 95th minute everything was ready for a classic 0-0. A throw-in ed his tap-in they completely turned the tables. Atletico ultimately prevailed by two points Jolly Montemurlo: It’s not difficult to find the match they came from.


Among the surprises of the championship we find the former Montagna, professional midfielder and this year a breakthrough centre-forward. He responds when Mr. Avanzati is looking for a central striker and not only does he look good, but he is rightfully among the best of the season. With his brace at Pistoia Nord kicks off the white-blue rise and from then on he established himself as one of the best players in the category. His injury in the defeat against Galciana compromises the Cintolese’s end of the season, which is certainly different with Testa in top condition.


As his goalkeeper Salvi said during the party in Chiesanuova: «Antonio, tell us what to do because we are not used to winning!». He left the Casalguidi, where he was among the most loved, in Promotion to bring to Atletico that experience that was somewhat lacking in the crucial moments of last year. Mission accomplished and with praise. Of course, he stopped at fifteen goals and in Group E there are those who have scored more, but you have to work hard to find one who hasn’t been worth anything. It goes without saying: try to guess who scored the penalty that started the party?

Group E Second 23-24 Gelli and Ciaccio Atletico
Ciaccio, on the right, together with Matteo Gelli during the first leg derby against Olimpia


Since September Mister Bonfanti he woke up on Sunday with his brains in crisis. The drafting of the training, col exorbitant number of injuries and disqualifications that Cecina suffered this year, would have put even a champion of the Settimana Enigmistica into crisis. Luckily, however, there was a point to start from: the center forward, and what a center forward. Alone Honey was able to do better in the entire Group E from the cold point of view of numbers, but at the level of leadership Marzico was no exception. The loot could perhaps even be improved, but the personal satisfaction of having helped someone decimated team to avoid getting bogged down in the quicksand of the playouts he will hardly return.


If there was a prize for the best young person in the category he would definitely win it: class of 2005 and talent to spare. He plays havoc on the wing against any defense and often finds the ball at his feet when the decisive play is needed. He drags the Mountain into the playoff final with a sensational performance and suggests a rosy future for his career. It wouldn’t be surprising if he went to a team a couple of categories higher next year.

Virtus vs Montagna Group E Second 23-24


The anger of 2023 playoff final, from which he had come out with an expulsion which led to a heavy ban to be served at the start of this year, was the right fuel. Every time his players approached a match badly or had negative moments, the coach withdrew that bitter epilogue and encouraged his men. During the season he also designed the formation with different modules, alternating both the three-man and four-man defense and managing to simultaneously insert four offensive men thanks to the 4-2-3-1, used above all from the winter onwards. All reasons which, obviously added to the final victorymake him the best Pistoia coach this 2023-2024.


Being at risk of being sacked after seven games and ending the season as second best coach in the league? Difficult, but not impossible. Mister Biagi repays the trust of the Buggiano management in a big way by bringing the team to one peaceful salvationwith lots of playoff dream at certain times of the season. It enhances a squad that is almost unchanged compared to that of last year’s promotion and transforms the “Benedetti” into a real fort: 27 points out of 40 came at home.


He wins the fight with a short snout Bonaviri of Olimpia for the lowest step of the podium. Last year the Mountain was fighting not to be relegated and was recovering from the Gavazzi tragedy, this year it went just a whisker away from winning the playoffs. Much of the credit goes to Mister Zinanni, a true glue of a team in which individual talent has been put at the service of the collective good.


Pietro Scaraggi (Por, Olimpia Quarrata), Stephen Welcome (Dif, Cintolese), Francesco Anzuini (Dif, Borgo a Buggiano), Shergi Hoxha (Cen, Pistoia Mountains), Tommaso Ricci (Cen, Borgo a Buggiano), Marco Pallara (Att, Pistoia North), Pietro Franceschini (Att, Olimpia Quarrata), Matteo Rinaldini (Att, San Niccolò).

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