Cosenza, opposition councilors on roads «Caruso “demolition man” of the existing»

COSENZA – The opposition city councilors Caruso, Cito, D’Ippolito, Dodaro, Luberto, Lucanto, Ruffolo, Spadafora and Spataro define the latest city events involving the mayor as an action film, entitled “Demolition man”. Franz Caruso and, despite themselves, the motorists and city users of Cosenza in the last week.

Today the group of opposition councilors in the city council have “garrisoned” with a sit-in the place accused in recent days of the vehicular blockage, the former via Romaand expressed himself by commenting on the choices of the centre-left council.

“There demolition of the roundabout via Pasquale Rossi – preceded by the dismantling of the pedestrian area that had been built in front of the two school buildings in via Misasi – and the consequent change of direction of Tancredi, Rodotà, Nucci and Simonetta streetsare nothing more than the result, according to the minority councillors, of that destructive furywhich has characterized the mayor’s administrative action since its inception Franz Caruso, the “demolition man” of the existingto stay in the metaphor, and who, together with his council we could define with an oxymoron “reactionary progressives”, because in fact they return to a past, badly cloaked by a false perspective of future improvements for the city’s traffic and liveability”.

“The belief, realized in decisions and in facts, that increasing the availability of driveways in the city center and favoring apparently shorter journeys would reduce vehicular traffic, is false and incorrect because, instead, exactly the opposite happens: these measures increase traffic traffic flows That they conveyinevitably, towards all available areas by saturating them. The principle pursued by the previous administration – say the councilors representing that political experience – has always been to regulate and channel traffic flows, favoring mobility that is certainly not fast, but continuous and regular, favoring, above all, pedestrian spaces and cycle paths, in order to discourage the use of private cars in the heart of the city on the one hand and, on the other, encouraging the use of alternative and eco-sustainable means”.

“Therefore – they explain – there is a fact that the city center is falling into the most distant past, where the current urban policies, European and beyond, are going in the direction that the centre-right administration had undertaken. Policies that any common-sense administrator should make his own, adopting and undertaking a pedagogical work of civility towards those he administers, not pandering to the indifference and belly movements of a minority that opposes, for partisan interests, progress and civilization”.

No strategy

The most serious aspect of this storyhowever, is that upstream of these decisions to change vehicular mobility there is no strategyno study, no reflection on what has been implemented, thus implying traffic jams and congestion. Furthermore, in the night hourshaving favored intersections, junctions and interference between traffic flows, will increase the risk Of accidents placing it in serious danger the public safety of pedestrians and motorists. The council that preceded the current one had ensured that Via Misasi was no longer affected by interfering intersections, practically eliminating accidents and incisively reducing smog with the presence of that pedestrian space of liveability, socialization, safety and progress for the pupils of the adjacent schools and for their parents, which gave ecological breathing space to the road and whose demolition inaugurated the administrative activity of Franz Caruso”.

This morning on Via Misasi 8 traffic police

“The presence of Ben eight municipal officers which, say the councilors, this morning they were on Via Misasi to prevent cars from stopping in front of the school buildings, themselves becoming the recipients of strong protests from parents, did not solve the problem of heavy traffic. The sacrifice of the remaining resources available in the municipal police force it has deprived other key points of the city that need it every day. AND this is very serious, according to the centre-right councillors, especially in consideration of the fact that, before the current situation, there was no need for traffic police because there was self-regulation of traffic facilitated by non-intersecting flows. We judge the choice of policies of “unholy” road conditions, daughter of carelessness, improvisation, a lack of in-depth analysis and an absence of thoughtfulness on the part of those who administer the city. Nor, much less the announcement of construction of the extension road to via Reggio Calabria – that flows parallel on via Popilia – it can be smuggled as an original and novel idea”.

“Franz Caruso – say the centre-right councilors – inherited from the previous municipal council three contracts relating to three lots that complete the process. These are contracts which, since the current council took office, have not seen any procedural or even operational evolution, which have already been financed, entrusted and delivered to the executing companies and which are only awaiting execution, despite the outcry of members of the minority themselves have long been asking for clarification on the merits both within the relevant commission and within the city council. There answer that is provided is always the broken record from the problems relating to expropriations, perhaps unaware that the latter, as such, are not a problem but rather an aspect of the process of creating a work, which, if faced and treated with due skill and competence, do not represent an insurmountable obstacle. This reveals, if not an inability, then certainly a total lack of will to complete the inherited works. Those who have governed the city for almost three years now have distinguished themselves solely by their iconoclastic fury to destroy what had been achieved in defiance of the progress and future of the city and its inhabitants. And they call themselves progressive.”

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