Monza: Zyma’s art and the Geniattori theater with prisoners

The Monza prison opens doors to art and theatre. We start on May 24th with the exhibition created by the inmates together with the artist Elend Zymawith the (provocative) title “Evasion”.

At 4.30 pm, in the presence of the artist and the mayor, Paolo Pilottothe works created by the inmates who painted emotions and thoughts on the sheets of their cells will be presented. «For years I have been using old sheets as a canvas for my works. And no sheet can tell more about anxieties, fears, dreams and expectations than those used in cells.”, says Zyma. The exhibition will also be an opportunity to celebrate thirty years of activity of the Open Prison association.

Monza: after art the show “Senza parole” in prison

The May 28th it will be the turn of theaterwith the premiere of the show created by the association’s actors Geniactorsfor the first time on stage with a group of prisoners. «Last November we brought one of our shows to prison – he explains Mauro Sironi, artistic director of Geniattori -. On that occasion the director, Cosima Buccolieroproposed that we present a theater workshop open to prisoners and so we started in April.”

Just two months would not have been enough to stage a traditional work and so it was born “Without words”: the (silent) story of the prisoners’ typical day, through the emotions that mark the different moments, from morning to evening. «We created the show together with the inmates, with the help of Paolo Piffer who is an educator in prison. We didn’t insert any jokes given the tight deadlines, but the use of noises made by the actors on stage and music still make the show engaging”. The Geniattori workshop inside the prison will continue even after the staging. «We would then like to refine the work and be able to bring it to a real theater, outside of prison»concludes Sironi.

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