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Milan, crucial day for Pioli: meeting scheduled for … | PM News

Milan, crucial day for Pioli: meeting scheduled for … | PM News
Milan, crucial day for Pioli: meeting scheduled for … | PM News

Today, Wednesday 23 May, could be a truly crucial day for the future of Stefano Pioli, who will meet Milan for …

Today’s, Wednesday 22 Mayit can really be a crucial day at home Milan for the future of Stefano Pioli, who will have a meeting. The Emilian coach, as is known, will leave the Rossoneri club at the end of the season after five years in which he brought the Devil to win the Scudetto, brought him back to Champions League and in the semi-finals of the top European club competition. Cycles, however, have a beginning and an end and it seems that this moment has arrived on both sides. Although the contract, in reality, expires in June 2025so in a year.

Milan, meeting with Pioli’s lawyers: here is the truth about the reason | PM News

According to what we learned from our editorial teamhowever, today there will be a meeting between the Milan and the lawyers of Stefano Pioli, current AC Milan coach. The reason is very simple. The club would like to find an agreement on the details of the early farewell and, as mentioned, wants to meet the other party to define the details, especially from an economic point of view. The end of the relationship, therefore, is written. Now it only remains to understand how it will happen and under what terms.


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