Florence, a Star of David with threats engraved on a teacher’s door

The engraving of a Star of David accompanied by a threatening writing. This is what appeared yesterday morning on the door of a man’s room professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Florence. The episode, as stated on the department’s website, was reported to the competent authorities (even though no formal complaints had been reported to Digos until late yesterday evening).

The entire community of the Department of Legal Sciences and the School of Law immediately condemned «the very serious gesture which takes us back to the darkest years of recent European history and warns us of the need to firmly monitor any resurgence of anti-Semitism. It is not acceptable that the international situation is used as a pretext to fuel demonstrations of this type». This is why, «the Department and the School are committed to intensifying their presence and activities in promoting a culture of coexistence that respects the values ​​of democratic pluralism».

Eike Schmidt also commented on the news, centre-right candidate for mayor of Florence: «Anti-Semitism cannot and must not find citizenship in Florence. He is even more disdainful that the act was committed at the University, a place of cultural and human education.” «I express solidarity with the entire community of the Department of Legal Sciences and the School of Law. The serious episode takes us back over the years, to the darkest pages of our history. Florence, gold medal for military valor for the Resistance, is against all forms of hatred and repudiates anti-Semitism”, says the centre-left mayoral candidate Sara Funaro.

The honorary consul of Israel Marco Carrai harshly: “It is absurd that something like this goes unnoticed and we must cry shame on those who still tolerate these acts, on those who fuel them and on those who are ashamed to denounce them out loud.” Words of condemnation also from the deputy and organization manager of Fratelli d’Italia, Giovanni Donzelli: «It is testimony to a growing and very serious anti-Semitism alarm. Unfortunately, particularly in recent months, some left-wing university groups have fueled a dangerous climate of hatred towards Israel. Solidarity with the teacher who was the victim of the episode, we hope that the competent authorities will identify those responsible for this fact as soon as possible and that all forces will unanimously condemn it.”

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