Bad weather returns to the Padua area: flooding and closed roads. New infiltrations on the Muson dei Sassi embankment

Bad weather returns to the Padua area: flooding and closed roads. New infiltrations on the Muson dei Sassi embankment
Bad weather returns to the Padua area: flooding and closed roads. New infiltrations on the Muson dei Sassi embankment

The wave of bad weather this morning, Tuesday 21 May, has already led to some flooding in various areas of Alta Padova and some municipalities in the urban belt, albeit much more modest than those of recent days.

Alert along the Muson dei Sassi in Rustega and Massanzago: new infiltrations in the points where in recent days the embankment had failed and had been restored in record time.

The situation in San Giorgio delle Pertiche

Bad weather, flooded via Breda in San Giorgio delle Pertiche

Explains Daniele Canella, mayor of San Giorgio delle Pertiche: «Following the heavy rains this morning (and the soil still soaked in water from last week’s rains which do not drain) some municipal roads are currently closed. Municipal operators and Civil Protection are now intervening to install barriers where necessary.”

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The invitation to motorists, explains the mayor, “if they find themselves faced with a flooded road, to change direction and avoid traveling along the stretch under water for safety reasons”. Below is the list of non-passable streets: via Breda, via Piave, via Laradona, via Patachin, via Bregatei, via Punara Bassa, via Montin. The list is being updated.

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Alert for the Muson dei Sassi

Maximum alert along the Muson dei Sassi between Rustega di Camposampiero and Massanzago. The river is rising and is seeping water at the level of the bank breaks on May 17th. The firefighters are working to try to stop the infiltration.

The appeal of the mayor Katia Maccarrone on Facebook: «All those who have been affected by the flooding must go to the higher floors to safety and bring what is on the lower floors to safety». The Civil Protection is passing by with sandbags.

Bad weather scares the Muson dei Sassi in Camposampiero

The Regional Council suspended

Due to bad weather, the Regional Council was also suspended and postponed until next week to allow the councilors to return home.

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