Potenza, ad Macchia: “Difficult season, we didn’t think we’d find ourselves so low”

Potenza, ad Macchia: “Difficult season, we didn’t think we’d find ourselves so low”
Potenza, ad Macchia: “Difficult season, we didn’t think we’d find ourselves so low”

TMW Radio

Nicola Macchia, CEO of Potenza, spoke to the microphones of TMW Radio during the transmission To All C

“It was a complicated and difficult season because it wasn’t in our expectations to find ourselves in such a low situation in the standings and to make the playouts. If we want to find a positive side, it is that we have united the fans, the club and the team and we have all come out together.”

What went wrong?
“We got lost in the planning. In the succession of matches and defeats we have alternated more than one coach. A turning point came when we fell into the playouts and the environment gave us all the serenity to get out of it. We weren’t able to do that during the championship.”

So much pressure and so many absences during the season?
“There was a lot of tension and we also missed some players. This happened due to physical problems and some slower insertion. Furthermore, the alternation of four different coaches did not help us create the right cohesion.”

Listen to the complete interview with Nicola Macchia in the podcast below

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