Confimprenditori: Santoli in Florence for the 2024 labor festival


From 16 to 18 May, the fifteenth edition of the labor festival took place in Florence, organized by the national council of the order of labor consultants, which will animate the pavilions of the da Basso fortress, for three days it was the home of the professionals who they discuss ethics, workplace safety and artificial intelligence with a view to tackling the threat of technological unemployment, or the loss of jobs due to the computerization of production processes.

An important appointment in Bologna which was an opportunity for proposals and discussions and in which a delegation from Avellino also took part led by the provincial president and national vice president of the confimprenditori Gerardo Santoli.

“Confimprenditori was present with its own stand. For us it is an unmissable event, essential for grasping the signals that come from the world of work and in particular from the universe of those professionals who constitute the real intelligence of companies.

For Confimprenditori, committed for almost twenty years to defending the interests, ideas and culture of small and medium-sized businesses, work is the focal point of all the representation action carried out so far and will be even more so in the future. And this at a time when the world of employer and trade union representation is generally increasingly distant from the reality of companies and workers. More and more often the old employers’ and trade unions’ acronyms appear concentrated on weaving webs of political relationships aimed at guaranteeing positional gains – like those of the Chambers of Commerce or the CNEL for example, bodies that did not want to reform but only to occupy – and so to sacrificing the strategic themes of representation which are those that have work at the centre.

Presence at the labor festival – concludes Santoli – is a very direct way for us to be close to the consultants, to support them and learn about their difficulties and proposals.

The employment consultant has always been our strategic partner. He is the liaison and guarantor figure between an association like Confimprenditori, which has always supported the ideas and interests of small and medium-sized Italian businesses, and companies. In Florence there was the liveliest, pulsating and active part of the country, how could we not be there too”.

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