In Montesilvano, Thursday 23 May, conference on resilient Europeanism – HGnews

In Montesilvano, Thursday 23 May, conference on resilient Europeanism – HGnews
In Montesilvano, Thursday 23 May, conference on resilient Europeanism – HGnews

Montesilvano – In view of the upcoming elections for the renewal of the Council of Europe, the outgoing municipal councilors of the Democratic Party of Montesilvano, Romina Di Costanzo And Antonio Sacconeorganize the conference “Resilient Europeanism: looking forward with historical memory and local resources”. The event will be held Thursday 23 May at 9pm at the electoral committee of the Councilors in Via G. D’Annunzio, n. 70, in Montesilvano.

The objective is to promote a “European historical memory” which gives greater legitimacy to the European project and favors a more solid European identity. The theme of resilient Europeanism will be addressed, an approach that is not discouraged in the face of current challenges, but looks to the future with confidence, drawing on historical memory and local experiences to find innovative resources and solutions. The debate will also be inspired by the concept of “For a free and united Europe”, better known as “The Ventotene Manifesto”, one of the founding texts of the European Union, which was born with the pro-European idea of ​​a democratic revolution of Europe, for the creation of a European federation inspired by the principles of peace and freedom, to which broad powers can be entrusted, from the economic field to foreign policy.

The meeting poster

They participate in the conference

  • Sen. Sandro Ruotolojournalist and candidate with the Democratic Party in the southern constituency;
  • Manola Di Pasqualelawyer and candidate from Abruzzo, president of the PD assembly for the last five years;
  • Hon. Marco FurfaroPD deputy and member of the national secretariat;
  • Luciano D’AmicoRegional Councilor of Abruzzo and Rector Emeritus of UniTe;
  • Luciano D’Alfonsomember of the Italian Parliament and President Emeritus of the Abruzzo Region.
  • It will also be present Fabrizio D’Addazio, candidate for Mayor of Montesilvano for the centre-left coalition. The debate will be moderated by the former president of the Abruzzo Region, Enrico Paolini.
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