here is the intervention of the Carabinieri of the provincial command of Potenza

here is the intervention of the Carabinieri of the provincial command of Potenza
here is the intervention of the Carabinieri of the provincial command of Potenza

In the weekend just passed, the extraordinary control operations of the territory planned by Provincial Carabinieri Command of Potenza continued by focusing on the Lagonegrese area.

The commitment of the Army soldiers in monitoring road traffic as well as in the surveillance of the urban and rural areas of the centers most affected by predatory crimes has not neglected the provision of targeted services aimed at the prevention and repression of crimes against property and drugs.

The forces in the field saw the Carabinieri Company of Lagonegro involved which, with the Carabinieri of the Operational and Radiomobile Unit and of the dependent Stations including those of Lagonegro and Rivello, proceeded to check dozens of vehicles with their drivers and passengers passing through at key points of the road network.

Numerous high fines for violations of the highway code and two driving licenses withdrawn as additional sanctions.

Tens i breathalyser checks on drivers and testing to check if they are positive for drugs of which one was ascertained and confirmed at the Lagonegro Hospital relating to a motorcyclist from the province of Salerno whose driving license was withdrawn and his vehicle seized.

He will therefore have to answer for his conduct to the Judicial Authority, called to evaluate his position.

The personal and vehicular inspections made it possible to find around 30 grams of hashish and marijuana, leading to the reporting of two forty-year-old Italians to the Prefecture of Potenza.

This demonstrates how important it is to continue the activities to combat the spread of narcotic substances, the use of which while driving, in addition to being prohibited and sanctioned, constitutes a danger for all road users, even the most attentive and conscientious ones. Which is why services like this will continue to be an integral part of the preventive activity of the Carabinieri in Potenza and throughout the province.

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