Torino Primavera, the missed playoffs and the collapse after the Italian Cup final

Torino Primavera, the missed playoffs and the collapse after the Italian Cup final
Torino Primavera, the missed playoffs and the collapse after the Italian Cup final

The Italian Cup final represents a crossroads of the season that could have gone further

The Primavera championship brings with it an intrinsic contradiction: on the one hand it should promote the growth of the players, on the other it raises competitiveness and winning is important. For this reason the judgment on the Torino Primavera is halfway. On the positive side because two guys – Savva And Of the valley – they made their debut in the first team and were also decisive in the Verona match, but on the other hand the judgment is negative having failed to make the playoffs. It is precisely this aspect that is worth focusing on and analyzing.

Torino Primavera, no playoffs: just 5 points from the Italian Cup final

First of all, we need to start from the general analysis of the season. Over the course of 10 months, the team lost too many points in comebacks (10 in total). The management of the matches has not always been optimal, highlighting that mental solidity has never been the team’s flagship. What stands out most, however, is the profound crisis in results that began with the 6-3 win at Sassuolo and became even deeper with the defeat in the Italian Cup final against Fiorentina, lost on penalties. From that moment (early April) onwards, just 5 points were won in 7 games, very few for a team that won without batting an eye for large stretches of the season. Just think that at the beginning of 2024 the Granata had achieved success after success against some of the best teams in the championship and in January they were second, two points away from Inter first. Then the inexorable descent, until having to play everything on the last day against a Milan that is worth much more than sixth place in the standings.

This dramatic decline has some mitigating factors. On the one hand there seems to be a mental and physical collapse, but on the other there are certainly the many absences. From the injuries of Bianay, Padula And Antolini (three very starters from Scurto’s team), up to that of Ruszel, a key player for the balance he provides in the middle of the pitch and who was in extremis for the final against Fiorentina. Then there are the absences due to players who have gone to the first team such as the aforementioned Dellavalle and Savva, to which must be added Ciammaglichella And Silva. All boys who have permanently trained, and often been called up, with Juric. It is obvious that in these situations the first team has priority and for the youth teams it is only a matter of pride to be able to see their players savor the air of Serie A, but it is clear that then it becomes complicated to achieve the most important objectives. Despite a long and very experienced squad.

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However, what appears most worrying from a future perspective is that Toro has not even managed to create the foundations for next season by increasing the playing time of the 2006 players. A year ago, for example, many 2005 players had been protagonists: from Ciammaglichella to Savva and Njie . Of these three names, two are permanently in the first team. Now there are only two under-leavers who can be said to be ready to be protagonists next season: Gabellini And Therefore. A considerable amount of work will therefore be needed to build a competitive team for the 2024/2025 season. The final judgment therefore remains halfway. This team could and should have reached the playoffs, because it is one of the strongest in the championship and also one of the most “experienced” teams in Primavera 1. At the same time, situations were created that were difficult to overcome and which make the final result understandable. Then the real judgment will be given in a long time, because if the 4 boys now with Juric all become first team players, then the season will be considered a great success. It should not be forgotten that many Scurto made their debut in the two-year period. Gineitis has become important among the greats, Dembelé is a protagonist with Venezia aiming for Serie A and N’Guessan after a long stop is revisiting the pitch in Serie B. There are many names and for this reason it must be considered that the youth teams are creating value . But the Primavera del Toro missing the playoffs is not a pretty sight.

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May 20th – 9.41am


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