On display is the herbarium of Azzurra Carrara Pantano, the first Veronese botanist

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Photographs, collection of field samples and classification of plants from Italy, the Mediterranean area and Europe. It was an existence dedicated to the study of the life forms of the plant world Azzurra Carrara Pantanothe first Veronese botany to which the Natural History Museum of Verona dedicates a special temporary exhibition until 14 July 2024.


The exhibition, curated by Giorgia Volpe and Sebastiano Andreatta, is organized on the occasion of the event Open Gardens in Veronetta and beyondscheduled for May 25 and 26, 2024.

They are set up in the atrium of the museum panels that tell the life of Azzurra Pantanohis botanical activity within the Natural History Museum and the result of the digitized cataloging of the Veronese specimens in his herbarium.

There is also a in-depth analysis of the publication Greenery and the city, edited in its botanical part by Pantano, which illustrates the trees of Veronese avenues and gardens. Next to the panels, visitors can admire in the windows some of the specimens from the Azzurra Pantano herbarium, generally not on display to the public, and several photos taken by the botanist herself.

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The exposition The first Veronese botany: the herbarium of Azzurra Carrara Pantano It is part of the series of temporary exhibitions of the Natural History Museum. Collections on display periodically set up in the entrance hall, where some pieces from the study collections not normally visible to the public are also displayed – in rotation. Visitors can thus learn about part of the almost five million specimens that make up the collections normally intended for researchers and sector experts.

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