Salerno weather, the forecast for tomorrow Monday 20 May


The forecast for Monday 20 May at Salerno provide variable conditions throughout the day. In the morning, overcast skies with cloud cover around 90%, temperatures that will remain around +23.8°C with a perception of +24°C and a light breeze coming from the North East. In the afternoon, the clouds will clear, leaving room for clear spells with a chance of rain around 6%, temperatures rising to +28.5°C with a perception of +28.8°C and winds that will blow from the South – South West. In the evening, the sky will become overcast again, with cloud cover around 98%, and the possibility of light rain with a 42% chance. Temperatures will be around +24.1°C.

The early hours of the night will see an increase in the probability of light rain to around 52%, with temperatures dropping to +21.6°C. Weather conditions will tend to improve towards the end of the night, with cloud cover decreasing to 35% and temperatures around +21.6°C.

Based on the situation expected for Monday, we can predict a day with alternating sunny spells and light rain, with temperatures that will fluctuate between +21.6°C hey +28.5°C. The weather conditions in Salerno will therefore be variable, with possible precipitation during the day. It is advisable to pay attention to the updated weather forecast to better plan outdoor activities.

All the weather data for Monday 20 May in Salerno

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