«The city is sinking into decay and the mayor, with the citizens’ money, increases the compensation of the three members of the board of directors to the maximum»

«The city is sinking into decay and the mayor, with the citizens’ money, increases the compensation of the three members of the board of directors to the maximum»
«The city is sinking into decay and the mayor, with the citizens’ money, increases the compensation of the three members of the board of directors to the maximum»
“The city is dirty and in the throes of decay, Bar.sa does not function and does not guarantee any of the services it is entitled to. In light of all this, what is the mayor doing? Is he thinking of increasing it from 50 thousand to almost 80 thousand euros, the maximum by law, the compensation for the three members of the board of directors lavishly paid with public money. We are faced with a real mockery.” Thus the group leader Rosa Cascella and the city councilors of
Pd Lisia Dipaola, Pino Paolillo, Santa Scommegna, Adelaide and Massimo

“Dirt, unkept public greenery, weeds invading the pavements, insects raging, disorganized distribution of bags for recycling: the malfunctioning and regression of Bar.sa is there for all to see. Not a day goes by – say the demos – without receiving complaints from citizens who are rightly indignant about
the inefficiency of a company financed with public money which should be the flagship of the city and instead is just an armchair factory useful for maintaining the already precarious balance of the majority. All this in spite of the famous “politics outside Bar.sa” much heralded during the election campaign”.

“To this picture – continue the demos – we must add the clumsy attempt, implemented above all by the mayor, to blame the pitiful state in which the city finds itself on the poor civic sense of the citizens. But the failure to mow the grass, which represents a danger to traffic and also causes the invasion of mosquitoes and midges of which we are victims. Is it the fault of the people of Barletta who pay the taxes?? No, it is not the fault of the citizens but of the inefficiency of the people themselves
who, after having been chosen only for political affiliation and in two out of three cases without specific skills, are now incredibly “rewarded” with a sensational increase in compensation to the maximum by law”.

“We ask the mayor to revoke this decision and to invest that amount in works useful to the community, such as rides for children or at least to repair existing ones. Instead, we ask the Bar.sa Board of Directors – conclude the dems – to really start carrying out its functions in a concrete way for the good of the city of Barletta which does not deserve to be
neglected in this way.”

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