Gasperini-Napoli: decisive next two weeks

Gasperini-Napoli: decisive next two weeks
Gasperini-Napoli: decisive next two weeks

Gian Piero Gasperini

Gian Piero Gasperini is in pole position to become Napoli’s new manager next season

Gian Piero Gasperini is the chosen one for Napoli’s bench according to today’s edition of Corriere dello Sport. De Laurentiis would in fact be waiting for the Europa League final between Atalanta and Bayer Leverkusen to launch the decisive assault against Gasp who has opened strongly towards the Azzurri, it being understood that he has another year of contract with the Percassi club .

Gasperini new Napoli coach?

Naples – Here’s what we read this morning on the pages of Courier of the Sport with regard to Gian Piero Gasperini and the possibility that he could become the new coach of the Azzurri:

“The next two weeks will be crucial for the future, the first for Napoli and the following for Fiorentina. De Laurentiis is waiting for Atalanta’s Europa League final to finally be able to dispel the doubts about the future coach. Gasperini’s pole resists For weeks now, Conte has been chasing, ready to overtake in the event of surprise obstacles.

The new Italian coach, whatever happens, will be a figure of personality and depth, not only from a tactical point of view. What is needed to turn the page and start again, as the president announced.” has been selected by the new Google service, if you want to always be updated on the latest news follow us on Google News

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