ACF Foligno clarifies the agreement with Foligno Calcio and looks to the future: “Very clear ideas”

ACF Foligno clarifies the agreement with Foligno Calcio and looks to the future: “Very clear ideas”
ACF Foligno clarifies the agreement with Foligno Calcio and looks to the future: “Very clear ideas”

“We consider the Foligno Calcio issue closed, we are planning the next season and we have big projects ready.” This is the start and summary of the press conference that ACF Foligno held within its headquarters on the afternoon of Friday 17 May.

The topic immediately addressed, with the company’s desire to close the issue, was the one that arose following the interview given by the president of Foligno Calcio, Simone Filippetti, in which the Falchetti number one closed the doors to a possible ” fusion” between the two realities. For the president of ACF Foligno, Paolo Zoppi: “We must not give too much importance to this thing, for the simple fact that we as a society have a clear conscience and everything that has been represented is far from reality and objectivity of the situation. I’m sorry because Feliciotti donated Foligno football to the entire city, so these internal fights and provocations are only bad for the city and the sport.” Also because, according to what was reported by the leaders of ACF Foligno, last December president Filippetti communicated that he wanted to leave Foligno Calcio at the end of the season, with the latter calling ACF Foligno directly to find a agreement. Agreement reached in recent weeks but, according to what was reported by ACF Foligno, when it was time to sign to conclude the matter, President Filippetti did not show up.

Having therefore overcome the issue, the ACF Foligno club wanted to underline the work for the planning of the next season, in which Sportella Marini’s club will debut in Serie D for the first time.

“We have very clear ideas on what we need to do – declared sporting director Filippo Petterini -. We have achieved great results and now we are faced with an even bigger step than anything we have done so far. Society must evolve to adapt to what it will encounter.

We have very clear ideas regarding the team, all the players have expressed their desire to stay and for the most part we will retain the good group we have and insert some category additions, at least one per department. There will also be integrations of unders, which will be fundamental. We are very confident for next season.” Confidence for the next season which is not solely linked to the pitch factor, but also to the initiatives that the club is carrying out outside of it:

“Our company was born in a neighborhood to help the neighborhood, therefore we continue to work in the social field”, with these words President Zoppi wanted to introduce the work that ACF Foligno will carry out this season in the social field and towards the city, placing emphasis on the integrated football project. “For us the social aspect has always been fundamental – continued Zoppi -. Our commitment in this sense has always been great and we want to continue on this path. Integrated football is a game mode that allows disabled children to play together and for us it is essential to guarantee an activity like this. We have been promoting this project fully at our expense for 3 years. From this year, thanks to the Cassa di Risparmio Foundation, we will be able to support this activity in an even better way, so as to be able to offer children an even better experience. For us, sport is an opportunity to put pieces of the community back together. Our ambition now is to extend what we have done so far for the neighborhood to the entire city of Foligno, against nothing and no one but towards something”. In addition, ACF Foligno is ready to make a donation of tables and chairs to the Pediatrics department of the Foligno hospital, as well as another donation to the Oncology department.

The city of Foligno will be involved above all with regards to the construction of a new field in the Sportella Marini district, work on which will begin next week and which will represent a new point of reference for the entire city sport: “A 650 thousand euro project which we have carried out on our own and which, thanks to a tender from the Ministry of Sport of which we have been awarded, will enrich the Sportella Marini neighbourhood, our objective is to give the city possibilities and alternatives that can make it grow – they say from the ACF Foligno -. After 5 years, work on its construction will finally begin next week.” Still in terms of sports facilities, for next season the ACF Foligno should play again at the “Blasone”, while the dream is to create, especially for the training part, a “sports citadel” in Valtopina.

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