Mariana Fair in Crotone, police checks: sanctions on illegal stalls and seizure of drugs | Calabria7

Mariana Fair in Crotone, police checks: sanctions on illegal stalls and seizure of drugs | Calabria7
Mariana Fair in Crotone, police checks: sanctions on illegal stalls and seizure of drugs | Calabria7

In these days, in which Crotone is involved in religious celebrations, the Police Headquarters, in addition to the usual public order and safety services ensured by law enforcement personnel in the places where the Fair takes place, has set up specific services managed by both the Division Administrative Police, to detect any irregularities in the performance of activities by exhibitors, both the Flying Squad and the General Prevention and Public Rescue Office, to combat drug dealing and the commission of crimes in general.

The Administrative Team, engaged in checking the stalls of product sellers, ascertained the illegal placement of two structures for the sale of food products outside the designated stalls, occupying public land, so that the respective owners, who were also without of the relevant municipal authorization, were sanctioned, and at the same time the removal of the stalls was ordered. In the same places, the activity to combat drug dealing made it possible to proceed with the seizure of 18 grams of hashish, as well as two doses of cocaine, for which the three people, found in possession of the drug, held for personal use, were have been reported to the Prefect for the application of the administrative sanctions envisaged.

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