George Clooney and Adam Sandler in Arezzo to shoot the film Jay Kelly, crowd bathing: what it will be about

George Clooney and Adam Sandler in Arezzo to shoot the film Jay Kelly, crowd bathing: what it will be about
George Clooney and Adam Sandler in Arezzo to shoot the film Jay Kelly, crowd bathing: what it will be about

Parade of Hollywood stars and crowds at the event Arezzo where some scenes are being filmed Jay Kelly moviewhich has as its protagonists George Clooney And Adam Sandler. The two stars, together with the rest of the cast and the director Noah Baumbachon the morning of Friday 17 May, they arrived at the theater Petrarch where some filming of the film project will be carried out and will be available to users Netflix in the next months.

George Clooney and Adam Sandler arrive at the Petrarca in Arezzo for the film Jay Kelly

“Good morning!”, Clooney’s greeting after arriving at Petrarca. The actor, welcomed by many onlookers and fans, showed up on the set with a pair of dark sunglasses, a backpack on his shoulder and his usual charming smile. Note the “good morning” spelled out in Italian. For years the star has had a weakness for the Bel Paese. He has also bought some properties where she loves to spend her holidays.

Just before Clooney, Sandler showed up, in red shorts and a shirt. Having got out of the car with the dog on a leash, he stopped for photos and autographs with those present before entering the theater and getting to work.

George Clooney

Also in Arezzo Alessandro Borghi and Gianni Amelio for the film Campo di Battaglia

The cast of the film also arrived in Arezzo Battlefielddirected by the director Gianni Amelio and starring the home star Alessandro Borghi. In recent hours the set has been set up in some areas of the city center and in the Pescaiola area, among the old steam trains.

The film is produced by Kavac Film with Rai Cinema. The film is scheduled to debut on the small screen next fall.

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Tuscany is therefore distinguishing itself in hosting the sets of major international and Italian cinema productions, created with the support of the Region through its own Film Commission.

“In Lucca, with the presence of Dustin Hoffman and Helen Hunt on the set of Peter Greenaway’s new film. Between Montecatini, Arezzo and Val d’Orcia with George Clooney and Adam Sandler, protagonists of the new film for Netflix. We are making Tuscany increasingly attractive for cinema, tourism and the economy” commented the governor Giani.

Instead, for the creation of Campo di Battaglia, the municipality of Arezzo granted patronage while the Intour foundation lent its logistical support to the production as did Lfi which, as owner of the property, monitored the inspections carried out.

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What Jay Kelly is about

As for the plot by Jay Kelly, little information is currently available. However, we know that it is a story set in the Seventies that revolves around the character of the man who gives the film its title, probably played by one of Clooney or Sandler.

Based on an original screenplay written by director Baumbach himself together with actress Emily Mortimer, Jay Kelly has been described as “a fun and very emotional coming-of-age story for adults”.

Photo source: ANSA

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