In Trentino there are 145 thousand people who receive a pension – News

In Trentino there are 145 thousand people who receive a pension – News
In Trentino there are 145 thousand people who receive a pension – News

TRENT. In Trentino in 2022, 195,479 pension payments were paid to 145,277 beneficiaries (+1.1% compared to 2021).

On average each pension amounts to 15,804 euros per year, for a total pension expense of 3,089 million euros, up 3.9% compared to 2021 – but lower than the growth of inflation – and 27.4% compared to ten years ago.

As of 31 December last year, there were 545 thousand residents in the province.

The beneficiaries received an average of 21,265 euros per year. The data emerges from the report “Pension spending in Trentino. Year 2022” published by the Institute of Statistics of the Province of Trento (Ispat).

The impact of pension payments paid in 2022 on the GDP is 12.9% on an annual basis (-0.8% compared to the previous year).

Disability, old age and seniority pensions and survivors’ pensions they represent 95.2% of total pension spending. Welfare pensions and compensation pensions have a much lower weight, 3.6% and 1.2% respectively.

There is also a significant gender gap in pensions, despite the fact that the number of women receiving pension benefits is greater than that of men (74,126 against 71,151). When it comes to old age and disability pensions, men receive on average 23,519 euros, women 13,980, with a difference of 40.6% to the detriment of women.

The gap instead decreases for other types: for disability it is -29.3%, for welfare it is -3.6%. 30.3% of male pensioners receive a pension income of less than 1,500 euros, while for women this share exceeds more than half of the total pensioners (60.2%). Pensions exceeding 2,000 per month account for 33.2%: 45% for males, 22% for women.

Among the beneficiaries, 52.9% are aged between 65 and 79, but there is also 17.2% who are between 40 and 64 years old. 3% are under 40 years old.

The highest pension incomes are recorded in Trento and Val d’Adige (24,369 euros), the lowest in Val di Cembra (19,073 euros).

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