bans, road closures and traffic restrictions in the center from 17 to 19 May 2024

bans, road closures and traffic restrictions in the center from 17 to 19 May 2024
bans, road closures and traffic restrictions in the center from 17 to 19 May 2024

The Race for The Cure returns to Bari, the event dedicated to the fight against breast cancer that combines sport, health and solidarity. The appointment with the event promoted by Susan G. Komen Italia is scheduled from 17 to 19 May.

To allow the event to take place, with the various initiatives planned, some traffic restrictions have been placed. In particular, from midnight on May 16th to midnight on May 19th, and in any case until the end of the dismantling operations, a ban on stopping is established on: Piazza della Libertà; Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, side with odd house numbers, stretch between the parking stalls with electric charging and Piazza della Libertà; Palazzo dell’Intendenza road, stretch between Vico Prefettura and Strada Barone; piazza Massari, left side of the roadway with direction of travel towards piazza Federico II di Svevia, stretch between Vittorio Emanuele II and vico S. Domenico; via Melo, left side in the direction of travel, stretch between numbers 197 and 193;

On May 18th, from 4.00 pm, with regards to the passage of motorcyclists, a traffic ban has been established on the following route: Piazza Libertà, Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, Piazzale IV Novembre, Corso Cavour, Ponte XX Settembre, Viale Unità d’Italia, Viale della Repubblica, largo 2 Giugno, viale della Constituente, via Stefano Jacini, via Omodeo, Padre Pio bridge, via Magna Grecia, via Peucetia, via Apulia, Garibaldi overpass, via Di Vagno, piazza Gramsci, Lungore N. Sauro, piazza A. Diaz, senior sen. A. Di Crollalanza, piazzale IV Novembre, corso Vittorio Emanuele II, piazza Libertà,

On May 19th, from 00.01 to 14.00 and, in any case, until the end of the dismantling operations, a ban on stopping has been established on the following streets and squares: Vittorio Emanuele II, both sides of the stretch between via Marquis of Montrone and Piazzale IV Novembre; piazza Massari, both sides of the roadway with the direction of travel from Vittorio Emanuele II to piazza Federico II di Svevia; sen. course A. De Tullio, land side, stretch between Piazza Massari and Piazzale Mons. Mincuzzi; via Andrea da Bari, left side, stretch between Corso Vittorio Emanuele II and the civ. 8.

Also on May 19th, from 6.30 am to 2 pm and, in any case, until the end of the requirements, a traffic ban is established on the following streets and squares: Vittorio Emanuele II, stretch between via Marchese di Montrone and Piazzale 4th November; piazza Massari, roadway with direction of travel from Vittorio Emanuele II to piazza Federico II di Svevia; via Cairoli, stretch between via Piccinni and Vittorio Emanuele II.

On the same day, from 09.30 to 12.30 and, in any case, until the end of the needs, exclusively for the passage of participants, a “TRANSFER BAN” is established on the following streets and squares: Piazza Massari (lane on the Banca Popolare di Bari side) ; Piazza Federico II of Swabia; via Ruggiero il Normanno (section in front of the “Il Pescatore” restaurant); Corso Vittorio Veneto, stretch between Via Brigata Regina and Corso Sen. A. De Tullio; sen. course A. De Tullio; piazzale C. Colombo; long king Imp. Augustus; square IV Novembre; A. Di Crollalanza; piazza Diaz, roadway between piazzale L. Giannella and the tree-lined promenade; k. N. Sauro; via M. Genovese; via Venezia; largo mons. Ruffo; St. Peter’s Square; Santa Teresa delle Donne street; Largo Civil Hospital; via Pier l’Eremita; Santa Chiara road; via Ruggiero il Normanno; all sections of road facing the event routes.

On May 19th, from 09.00 to 12.30 and, in any case, until the end of the requirements, circulation is permitted on the following streets and squares: Corso Sen. A. De Tullio, exclusively for the land-side semi-lane between the Mons square. Mincuzzi and Piazza Massari (only within the cordoned off lane with the obligation to turn left towards Piazza Massari).

From 8am on 16 May 2024 to 8pm on 19 May 2024 and, in any case, until the end of the requirements, in derogation of the Union Ordinance no. 2322 of 20.3.1991, TRANSIT IS ALLOWED within the perimeter identified by: via B. Regina – via B. Bari – via Capruzzi – via Oberdan – via Di Vagno – along Nazario Sauro – along A. Di Crollalanza – Piazza IV Novembre – Corso Vittorio Emanuele II – Corso Vittorio Veneto, to vehicles serving Susan G. Komen Italia, with a capacity exceeding 3.5 t.

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