Parking disc zones, here’s the news: time slots in residents’ stalls – L’Aquila

Parking disc zones, here’s the news: time slots in residents’ stalls – L’Aquila
Parking disc zones, here’s the news: time slots in residents’ stalls – L’Aquila

THE EAGLE. Together with the new pricing of paid parking in Porta Leoni, signs with parking with parking discs also reappeared in the city since yesterday. This is nothing new: the measure was announced at the end of last March with a resolution of the municipal council. Two hundred and three stalls, until the day before yesterday free parking only, have therefore become parking slots.
Numerous roads are affected by the provision which, according to the Municipality’s logic, must serve to “move” the cars that occupy parking lots for a long time in areas adjacent to the historic center. Disco area, from 8am to 7pm every day, maximum two hours, the new signs have appeared, for example, in the final part of via Tagliacozzo or in via Maiella, between San Bernardino and the former Scientific High School. Signs relating to the contested part of the resolution also appeared on Via Castello, which provides for the possibility for non-residents to park, if the stall is free, even in the areas with the yellow lines reserved for residents with a Citypass. Free parking from 9am to 1pm and from 4pm to 7pm, also in this case with a parking disc and a maximum of 2 hours. As expected, the arrival of parking areas with parking discs has generated conflicting opinions. Some consider it necessary, while others highlight the problems that residents could have, dealing with the chronic lack of parking. And the new pricing for the Porta Leoni car park has also generated opposing opinions. There are those who believe that having to spend two euros an hour is still an excessive burden. On the other hand, there are those who point out that sometimes we end up spending less than the fateful 2 euros an hour. For example, if the first half hour remains free, the first payment occurs starting from the 31st minute of parking. Previously, already in the 31st minute, to raise the bar, you had to pay 2 euros. With the new rates, 1 euro is enough. At the end of the hour and a half of parking, if before you risked having to pay 4 euros even for just one extra minute of parking, now the outlay is limited to 3 euros. A small saving that could convince a few more drivers to use the 90 parking spaces. To monitor the availability of places or request a card for disabled people, the Municipality has made the website available.

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