Saturday 18 May at Artè Preview of Lucca Jazz Donna with Lella Violi, Riccardo Arrighini and the Valentina Toni Quartet

Saturday 18 May at Artè Preview of Lucca Jazz Donna with Lella Violi, Riccardo Arrighini and the Valentina Toni Quartet
Saturday 18 May at Artè Preview of Lucca Jazz Donna with Lella Violi, Riccardo Arrighini and the Valentina Toni Quartet

After the success of last Saturday’s concert, another preview appointment for Lucca Jazz Donna which is thus approaching the twentieth edition of the festival, scheduled as usual in the summer at the Real Collegio.

Saturday 18 May, at 9pm, on the Artè stage in Capannori, two more sets to immerse yourself in good jazz. Common Places is the title of the project proposed by the singer Lella Violi and the pianist Riccardo Arrighini. This is a welcome return for the Lucca Jazz Donna audience, after the performance at the Real Collegio last August. For the occasion the duo, who came to jazz from a classical background, will bring together different musical genres with unusual choices and a repertoire which, among others, combines, in a new key, the explosion of tango and the music of Franco Battiato, the Brazilian sound and the song written by Giorgio Gaber. The scene of the second concert will be entirely by the Valentina Toni Quartet with its Homage to Katyna Ranierithe only Italian artist (Tuscan, to be precise) invited to perform at the Oscar ceremony in 1964 as well as interpreter of the famous Twopenny Song. Together with singer Valentina Toni there will be Raffaele Pallozi on piano, Luca Tonini on double bass and Francesco Petreni on drums: a close-knit group capable of involving the public in the rediscovery of the Italian melodic song with jazz sounds and arrangements.
The evening, hosted and coordinated as always by Michela Panigada, will have the Down Lucca Association as its guest.

Entrance is free and free.

Lucca Jazz Donna is sponsored by the Tuscany Region and is created with the support of Real Collegio, Fondazione Banca del Monte di Lucca, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Lucca, Province of Lucca, Municipality of Lucca and Municipality of Capannori.

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