Cremona weather, the forecast for tomorrow Friday 17 May


Friday 17 May in Cremona is expected to be a day with variable weather conditions. The first hours of the day will be characterized by clear sky with a slight presence of scattered clouds. The temperature will remain around +10°C during the night, and then gradually rise until reaching i +20°C in the afternoon.

During the morningthe sky will present itself with few clouds and cloud cover around the 20%. Temperatures will be mild, with values ​​hovering around +15°C. The wind will blow from West – North West with a speed of approximately 10km/h.

In the afternoonis expected to appear light rain with a probability around 10%. Maximum temperatures will be around +20°Cwhile the humidity will remain around the 70%. The wind will continue to come from the West – North West with a speed of 12km/h.

In the evening, the sky will show up again serene with a cloud cover equal to 0%. Temperatures will drop slightly, settling around +13°C. The wind will still come from the South West with a speed of 11km/h.

In conclusion, the weather forecast for Friday 17 May in Cremona indicates a day with alternating sun, clouds and light rain. Temperatures will remain rather mild, with values ​​between +10°C and +20°C. It is advisable to pay attention to changes in the weather during the day and to be prepared for possible light rain in the afternoon.

All the weather data for Friday 17 May in Cremona

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