PISA – At the Teatro Nuovo “The Games”

by BEATRICE BARDELLI – The national premiere of the show curated by the “Binario Vivo” theater company will take place on Friday 17th at 9pm.

Friday 17 May, at 9.00 pm, at The Teatro Nuovo in Pisa (next to the central station), the national premiere of the show “The Game” will be staged.

The show. It represents the culmination of a project curated by the Theater company, Live Binary, in partnership with the “Teatro di Guerra” of Sarajevo (leader) and “Para Film” of Oslo, within the ETL (Expandig Theater Landscapes) framework, financed with the “Creative Europe” program, of which the association was assignee among dozens of participating companies. The project’s initial aim was the production of three plays – one in Bosnian, one in Norwegian and one in Italian – written starting from Pirandello’s “Six Characters in Search of an Author”. The idea of ​​Pirandello’s classic was, however, reversed according to the “Six actors in search of real characters” scheme, whereby it was the actors who set out in search of real characters to have their stories told. And this is how the three participating theater realities brought the actors out of their “comfort areas” to go to the Bosnian refugee camps in search of their “characters”, therefore working concretely with the refugees on the development of the project and looking for a way to directly involve the protagonists in the shows on stage.

A prestigious event.The Game represents for Binario Vivo, for the Teatro Nuovo, and for the city of Pisaan undoubted source of prestige and pride – writes the press office of “Binario vivo – above all because it confirms our ability to develop acultural offer like other important national and European sector entities, already recognized by the assignment of important contributions also at a national level such as, for example, the TOC tender of the Ministry of Culture and, at a local level, the Social tender of the Municipality of Pisa and the Pisa Foundation Culture call”.

Information. They are available by consulting the website https://www.teatronuovopisabinariovivo.it/ and the online ticket office at the following link: Teatro Nuovo – Pisa | ciaotickets. It is possible to purchase tickets directly at the theater box office, on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4pm to 7pm.
Please remember that to participate in the event, membership is mandatory Vivo APS Binary, at a cost of €3.00, valid for one year. It is possible to pre-register online using this link: Registrations (cloud32.it)

Beatrice Bardelli, journalist, lives in Pisa where she graduated from the Faculty of Letters in German Language and Literature (European focus). She has been a member of the Tuscany Odg since 1985 and has collaborated with numerous newspapers including Il Tirreno, Paese Sera, Il Secolo XIX, La Nazione and L’Unione Sarda. She has dealt with culture, entertainment – theater and cinema, environment, politics, society and health. Since 2000 you have been actively involved in the struggles of various movements and committees to defend the environment and health, public water and against nuclear power, you collaborate with the Network for the Constitution.

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