Caserta. The FP Cgil tour continues in defense of healthcare personnel. The national secretary. Vannini meets health workers

Caserta. The FP Cgil tour continues in defense of healthcare personnel. The national secretary. Vannini meets health workers
Caserta. The FP Cgil tour continues in defense of healthcare personnel. The national secretary. Vannini meets health workers

Article published on: 05/15/2024 10:13:43

This is the statement sent to the editorial staff: “Caserta, the Fp Cgil tour continues in defense of healthcare personnel

The national secretary Michele Vannini met with health workers

The national secretary of the CGIL public service, Michele Vannini, arrives in Caserta – we read in the press release – at the facilities of the Caserta Local Health Authority and Hospital Company (AORN) to continue the Campania tour of the ‘Healthcare workers, let’s take care of ourselves’ campaign. Accompanied by Antimo Morlando, secretary of public health of the Fp Cgil metropolitan area of ​​Naples, Luigi Capaccio, general secretary of the Fp Cgil Caserta and Ciro Vettone, secretary of public health of Caserta. Vannini met the workers of the San Giuseppe Moscati hospital in Aversa, and of the National Hospital of Caserta. “More hires are needed – continues the statement – to fill the serious staff shortage which is at the basis of the lengthening of waiting lists and attacks in hospital facilities. We also ask for more resources to guarantee adequate wages; the risk is to further desertify the lanes. In Campania the competition reserved for emergency network doctors was deserted”, stated Vannini, Capaccio, Morlando and Vettone”.

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